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When Is The Right Time To Leave Your Job and Go ALL IN On Your Side Hustle?

Feb 04, 2022


start thinking now about who you are outside of your job role because if your confidence and your self worth is based on the title that you have right now, you're really going to struggle when you when you come out of that. So think about who you are your passions, try and separate yourself Hey is Carly here and you are listening to the Made for More Podcast, the show that talks about balancing business babies and all the beautiful madness that lies in between, I promise you will learn a lot. You will grow a lot. And you will laugh a lot. But most of all, I promise that you will finally see that you are made for incredible things. And I'm here to help you achieve. It's time to stop telling yourself that your dreams are too big and start dreaming bigger. This is the made for podcast. Let's do this Hello, my friends, I hope you're all good. I hope wherever you are, whether you are on the commute, whether you're in the car, whether you're with the pram on the way to the dropping the kids off, whatever you are doing cooking your dinner, I hope you're having a wonderful day today and you're feeling fabulous. I just I'm so excited to bring you this episode today is something that actually is a subject that really excites me and I kind of want to offer you my what I've learned in hindsight, I don't want to offer it to you as a bit of foresight, because it was only after I went through this experience that I realised Hmm. I don't think I did that quite right. I think I should have done that a bit differently. So I want to talk all about that today. But first of all, I just want to tell you a couple of things that I've got going on. So 2022, for me is the year of the of the workshops, I'm so excited to offer loads of these kind of like mini workshops around specific topics. So instead of doing like a broad training on something, I really want to go deep into specific subjects that we can really get a transformation in that area, because for some of you is particular areas that are the biggest block for you. And I know that if we tackle that, then we're gonna make some real massive progress. And I absolutely love doing these workshops as well. So, so excited to bring them and I just wanted to tell you too, that what coming up so first of all, I've got a podcast cause workshop coming up. So if you've thought about launching your podcast, if you've listened to my podcast and thought, I reckon I can do that, you know, she just mumbles on and chats away for a little bit. And then has a lovely time. That is actually what I do. To be honest. If you've thought that you would also love to do it, if you've got something to share with the world. If you want to share your voice, you've got a particular topic, a topic or subject that you're massively passionate about, and you just want to help others, then starting a podcast is the most incredible thing to do. But I know that for some of you, there's certain 

things that really hold you back. So thinking, Oh, my goodness, it is way too techie. For me, I know loads of us totally freaked out about the tech side of things. So I want to talk about that. And completely demystify that. And I also know that loads of you are thinking, oh my god, I just haven't got the time. I'm so overwhelmed with everything I've got going on at the moment anyway, how will I fit in doing a podcast, I'm going to talk about that. And also just loads of things, talking about how you can create content that directly speaks to your your audience. And also a massive, massive focus of it is how to actually monetize it, how to make a podcast that grows your business grows your clients, creates more sales for you and actually creates a passive income for you. As you know, I'm all about the passive income streams. And podcasting can be incredible for your business, it can either be incredible, and really bring in another massive passive passive income stream and be hugely lucrative. Or it can be another hobby that you know, takes up loads of time and loads of money. And I don't want that to be for you. So I'm yeah talking all about that in my workshop. So join me on the 26th of January. If you head over to my Instagram, the link is in the bio for you to register that's completely free workshop. And yet it's going to be super fun. I'm so so excited to share that with you. And then the second one is a workshop that I'm doing with my gorgeous friend Michelle Hillier. We've been doing quite a few workshops now around limiting beliefs and some goal setting and we've done some visualisation and timeline therapy calls and it's been amazing and the feedback from all of you has been incredible. And what we want to do over the next few months is like I said deep dive into specific areas so that we can really kind of tackle some blocks that are holding you back and one of the biggest areas that we know is holding so many of you back is your money mindset. So we want to we're doing a workshop called become a money magnet has a habit your how to make 2022 Your most prosperous prosperous year yet. And yeah, I'm so excited for that workshop is going to be a two hour intense immersive workshop. This is not just, you know, watch a call and write some notes. This is really going to be you're going to be doing exercises on the call. And if you've been on one of our calls Before you know that it's really kind of interactive, and we really get you doing lots of stuff. But it's going to be amazing. We were talking about law of attraction, rewiring your brain around around money. And yeah, it's going to be an amazing experience. So if you feel like you're blocked, if you're starting this year, and maybe you're in the exact same financial position as you were last year, or even worse, and you just feel like you're, you know, you're struggling with with debt, and you're kind of hitting these roadblocks, then we want to help you work through that and just really kind of get some transformation in your in your financial space. So join us for that, if you head over to our website inspired action CO, then you can, you can find all the details on there. And yeah, obviously, if you're in my Facebook group, the ambitious female entrepreneur club, then all the details are in there as well. That really is the best place to be to be honest, if you want to get the first like first hand knowledge, want to know about everything that we've got going on. And in there, we've actually got like earlybird pricing for staff, then hop in there, and you'll be the first to know about all the things. So very, very exciting. Okay. So I want to talk to you today about when is the right time to quit your job. So for me, the beginning of every year, I remember, my biggest goal was this year, I'm going to leave my job, to be honest with you, I hated working for anyone, I was the worst employee ever. I was so sassy. And every time someone was telling me like when I can go to the loo, or when I forgot my lunch, I just be like, No, I just I just hated it. I mean, as it turns out, I've I've done a little bit of reflection. And I actually hate being told what to do. So it kind of makes sense. I don't like a job. But that was always a massive driver for me to get out of my job and just work on my own business and be self employed and just, you know, be doing my own thing and living my life on my terms. So every year would come around. And when I actually did finally leave my job. It took me probably like a good two years to find my feet. And I learned a lot in that time. And it's only when I look back on it now that I think there was some, there was some major lessons in that. And there's definitely some things that I just want to I just want to put it to you so that you are

aware of the things so that you can make the right decision for you about when it's when it's the right time to leave a job because he's probably later than you want it to be just giving you that little heads up. Now I know that's not what you want to hear. But after so many people leave before they're really ready. Because they get a moment of motivation. And they're like, Yes, I just want to do it. Now I want to live my life. And they go a little bit early, and then it actually ends up hindering their business and not benefiting their business. So yeah, I just want to talk to you about a couple of things. But yeah, for me working was just was just not the one and I used to find loads of little slots where I could do or I could work my business while I was at work. And I'm going to talk about that a little bit in a minute. And why actually being at work is kind of a good thing sometimes. But the first thing I want to talk to you about is that when you actually leave your job, something really interesting happens. So especially if you're if your current job right now you have like a title or you're quite successful in your job, perhaps you're a manager of some people or you know, you've worked your way up and you're quite established in that role, what can happen is that when you leave your job, you actually lose your identity. And you go through quite a weird transition of trying to figure out who you are. Because if you think about it, our jobs for most of us, you know, it's it's five days a week, really long hours, and actually it completely consumes you. And because you're spending so much time in that role, it actually becomes your identity. And it's really hard to figure out who you are outside of that. And when you step away from that you can start to think, what am I good at? And who who am I and what am I passionate about? And what's my purpose and what we're here for. And it can be a really weird transition. So just to give you an example, when I was obviously I was a I was a professional dancer, and I was in the West End and I loved that to be honest, like, you know, when someone would ask me what I did. I loved saying, Oh, I'm I'm a dancer in the West End, I felt really proud of that. And I know as well that Kurt was really proud of that as well. When he would tell people what his girlfriend was doing. He was like, yeah, she's, you know, she's in the West End. She does all these musicals, and she's mega successful and blah, blah, blah. And then when I got injured, and I stopped that, and I had that moment where someone would say to me, what do you do? And it was hard. And I remember in that moment, you know, there was there was one time when I was actually working in a pub in Basingstoke, and I was like, Oh, I'm I'm a waitress. And I really struggled with that because I realised actually my job and what I'd done before, that was my identity. That was everything that I was and that gave me a lot of confidence. And I remember actually as well and at one point I was working in the pub and Curtatone all of his friends about his new girlfriend and she was like, you know, she's was in musicals in the West End, and she's amazing. And then all of his friends came into the pub that I was working in. And I just felt absolutely mortified because suddenly I was a waitress. And I just really struggled with that transition. So what I want you to think about is, how have you started thinking now about who you are outside of your job role, because if your confidence and your self worth is based on the title that you have, right now, you're really going to struggle when you when you come out of that. So think about who you are your passions, you know, trying to figure out, try and separate yourself from that job role, right, right now, and you're gonna find that, that transition a lot better, because I see, so many people just lose so much confidence in themselves, when suddenly, they don't have that, you know, that recognition from peers, especially if you're coming out to actually work on your own, if you're coming out to work in a business on your own. Because, like I said, Before, in network marketing, we're quite, we're quite fortunate that we're around lots of people, but for most entrepreneurs, you're coming out of genuinely working on your own. So you don't have someone telling you anymore, that you've done a good job, or that you're doing really good or keep going or recognising the work that you've done, suddenly, it's just you, you have to recognise the work you've done. So you can actually your confidence can dip quite a lot. And so yeah, really work on yourself right now and figure out what your identity is, and who you are outside of your job role. So that's the first one. Second one is that when your business income

is your whole income, you actually start to make very different decisions. So when you have your full time job, or whatever job it is, you're doing, you have your and your bills are paid for, and you've got food on the table when your car's paid for and, you know, all the kind of day to day, outgoings and lifestyle is covered, then you can afford to make decisions in your business, which are a bit more long term games. So game, so you can think, Oh, if I do this now, then this is going to show up, you know, financially, your revenue wise in a few months, and it's going to be a really good move, and it's going to set us up for the business. But when you don't have your bills paid for, and suddenly, the decisions that you make in your business today, directly affect the food, you're able to give your kids the amount of rent, you're able to pay the holiday, you're able to go on all the clothes you're able to buy, then you make very different decisions, you actually find yourself making quite emotional decisions. So like I said, you start making decisions that are based on Quick, quick gains, you know, things that that are right now and say, for example, if a client lets you down or you thought you were going to book a job, and then you didn't end up working that job, it really hurts. And it becomes way more emotional. And you actually start not making decisions for the greater good of your business, you just start literally thinking week to week. And that's not a great place to be. And so having that kind of bread and butter money, which I always call it, the bread and butter money and that safety, safety net of knowing that all of your outgoings are paid for, then that makes a massive difference in the choices and the decisions that you make for your business. So I would say like, if you as soon as you match your income, at least that's a good time to start thinking, okay, maybe I'm in a good place to leave, like, you know, if your business didn't generate one penny, in that in that month? Would your lifestyle change? You know, would that affect you still would it affect the way that you're able to live, because that's kind of where you want to be at because especially the start of a business is so volatile, you can have months that are amazing months that are absolutely dead. And also sometimes it can take a year, two years to even take a profit from your business or even, you know, earn an income yourself. When you start a business. You're normally the last person to get paid, everyone else gets paid first. So you can't really be in a place of thinking why I'm going to take a full blown wage from this for a good few years, to be honest. So you want to make sure that you've got your everyday stuff paid for. Okay, so the third point is hot, I'm just gonna have my tizzy. What actually happens is when you when you leave your job, one of the main reasons that people leave their job is Oh, I'm so busy, I just can't fit in my time for my business, I've got no time to do anything I want to do. And if I had all day to work on my business, then I would be so much further ahead than I am right now. So people's thinking is if I quit my job, I can put all my time and energy into my business and then I'm going to get so much further ahead. So that actually doesn't always work. And and I've seen this so many times, because one of the biggest skills of being an entrepreneur and working on your own is actually time management. And it's really easy to manage your time when you have a strict schedule with your work. So if you're at work in your actual job, you know nine to five and you have this lunch break and whatever. There is a huge amount of structure that's already put in place. for you, and you just have to figure out the rest. But when you take that away, and you have an entire day to work, it is so hard for so many people to figure out a productive work schedule. And I know that when I first left, I was thinking, Oh my God, it was so much time. And actually, exercises were taking me forever, literally, all day to send an email, and I would think about it, and I procrastinate, and it would just take me forever. And honestly, I was getting nothing done. And a day would go and Kurt would come home and say, Hey, babe, how's your day today? What did you do? And I'd like, um, I just literally wouldn't even know what to do with myself or my time or anything like that. And that is one of the hardest things. And I've seen so many people leave their job to create more time to focus on their business. And actually, what's ended up happening is that they've been paralysed with procrastination, and actually too much time thinking, What the hell do I do? So a task will take however long it takes, however long the time you give it. And yeah, it

just took forever. And it took a really long time. Honestly, it took me probably about two years to figure out how to structure my time. I'm really good. Now, I'm really disciplined with my time now. And I work literally like a military operation. Because I have to because I now have two kids. But actually, what I found is that now I do have two kids, and I have way less time I'm getting away more stuff done. Because there's no time to overthink, there's no time to faff around, I just sit down do I need to do because I've literally got like a 15 minute window max. And yeah, and what I found as well is that like when I was when I was at work, I was a bit sneaky. To be fair, I used to like nip off to the loo. And try and do a little bit of work on the loo and I would push it as far as I could go before someone would start to think that I had chronic diarrhoea. Like, why do you keep going to the loo for so long. But I just keep going to the loo and and I do like four minutes, I'd literally like have four minutes to work or five minutes to work. And I just sit and do something on my phone. And I learned to actually work in a really effective way in that in that space because I had such limited time. But then like I said, once I left that job, and I had all the time in the world, those same tasks that would take me four minutes was suddenly taking me two hours to do. And so actually sometimes having the pressure of someone banging on the door because they want to get in the loo is actually a really good is really good for you. But yeah, the the time element of it is it is a skill. Honestly, time management is a massive, massive skill. And I'm sure that we will do a workshop on this as well, because this is a huge area that I know so many people struggle with. And yeah, you just get into that procrastination zone. So that is another one. The fourth point that want to talk about is that you actually really cut off your network. So right now if I want to meet people, I have to physically get out and put myself in situations to meet people. Because I'm a huge Introvert, the lockdown actually suited me so well, I love to stay in my house, I love to stay in my office and just nerd out on my computer. But I don't really see anyone, you know, I don't have a commute to work, I'm not sat on the train, seeing all these people, I don't go to coffee shops all the time and chatting to the barista behind there. I don't have anyone in the office at work that I can speak to. And so actually, when you leave your job, you instantly cut off your network. And so if your job is based on, you know, meeting people and booking new clients and making sales, and let's face it, every business is about networking, you can really instantly cut off your network. So unless you are massively if you're, you know, if you're a mega social butterfly, and by having loads of time, you're going to be going to all of these networking meetings and sit in coffee shops and doing all of this stuff, then actually, it can not be a great thing because you start to really not see many people at all. And suddenly everything goes online, which actually isn't a great thing. So yeah, cutting off your network is not is not ideal, but if you are in a job right now, really use that time as well. Like, you know, if someone is that the the water dispenser unit was voted, can you tell that I've never worked a proper corporate job, by the way. But if someone's there, you know, go and chat to them. Try and use the time that you're in the job to network and connect with as many people as possible. Go to a different coffee shop, speak to a different person, because you never know who you're going to meet. You never know what opportunities are, you know, lie amongst all these all these different people. So, if you're in a job right now, then use the time wisely. You know, my mom used to when she was on the train on a commute to work. She used to meet someone all the time, and she messaged me like, Oh, I just met this lovely person and there was Jill and she's just done this and she does this and she was telling me her whole life story and they connected on Facebook and now they're going to meet up and now they're best friends. And she was amazing at meeting people on on our commute and she really used that time. So if you do have a commute to work, instead of sitting and reading your book or being on your phone, just try and be open and you know, meet the people around you and just see what opportunities can come from that. Because once you step away from that, and you're just working from home, it's very, very different. Another thing is that when your business is your sole income, and it's the only thing that you've got going on, then you have this element of this has to happen, suddenly

have you go from a place of it being a side hustle, and you have a little bit more patience with it and a little bit more. There's not so much pressure on it. But suddenly, when is your number one, there is so much pressure on making it happen, and you think this has to happen. And when you're in that place of desperation in that place of force and control, then no good comes from that you never manifest anything great being in that place of you no control, and just yeah, that energy of like desperation, it's a bad place to be in. And the truth is, we will all fail multiple, multiple times, you know, you might start a business and it fails, you might start six businesses, and all six of them fail. But you just have to keep going. And when you have a backup, you know, when you have a backup plan is in like you have your day job, you're able to be a lot more patient and patience is such a massive, massive thing when it comes to entrepreneurship is something that I still haven't entirely learned I'm trying to learn. But for sure, when you have another job and you have all your you know, your full paycheck coming in, it enables you to be a lot more patient than when everything relies on there. So if you do feel like you're in that place of this has to happen, you know, and it's really stressful when there's loads of pressure on it, see where you can relieve some of that pressure, even if it's you know, if you've left already, and you're thinking, Oh, my God, all of these things are resonating so much. Maybe look at getting a part time job that just relieves a little bit of pressure, you know, a part time job that's, that doesn't take any brain space. As soon as you leave that job, you can leave it all there. You know, it doesn't take it doesn't stress you out. And it's just like a nice, joyful place to be. I mean, even something like whenever I waitress, I've always quite enjoyed waitressing actually. But I know that as soon as I leave that job that stays there. But yeah, if you are in that place of thinking, oh my god, I so left my job too early, then. Yeah, see where you can relieve some of that pressure and just have a little bit more stability while you're building everything up. And then the last point I wanted to just cover really quickly is that you feel everything a lot deeper. So when you actually do leave a job, you feel all the emotions a lot deeper. So when a client lets you down or you don't sign a client that you wanted to sign, it hurts so much more because you're thinking oh my goodness, I was going to take the kids away for the weekend. And now I can't because I've lost that sale or have lost that client. But then on the on the flip side of that you also feel the highs so much higher as well. And so when you do sign someone you're like, Oh my God, this means I can pay my rent this means I can do this and you do feel the extremes so much higher. And so just have a think about that as well. Because really where you want to be at in your entrepreneurial journey is quite level headed. You want to be like in a on a emotionally you want to be quite level. So not too high and not too low. Because it is such a volatile industry. And your emotions can go absolutely wild. And if you can learn to discipline your emotions, you're going to have a much easier ride. And I say this to my team all the time. Like, you know, someone will reply to one of their messages and they're like, Yes, oh my god, she's gonna sign up. It's gonna be amazing. And she they're literally sky high. And I never want to put a dampener on it. But I'm like, Babe, just chill. Like, you just, it's all good. Someone said yes. Wait until they join, see how they do blah, blah, blah, but you can get so worked up in your head, you can create such a massive high, and then if they don't sign up, or it doesn't go the way that you planned, then the lows are so much bigger and that really, really hurt. So I think a skill that you really want to master in entrepreneurship is to discipline and manage your emotions. Like don't get too high, don't get too low. Just try to stay as steady as you can. But definitely when you know when everything isn't riding on, on your business and your revenue coming in through your business then it's much easier to stay that kind of have a constant stay level headed when it comes to your emotions. So I hope that's helped a little bit. I really don't want you to listen to this. You know if you did put your goal as I want to leave my job this year. If you I don't want to listen to this and think oh, she's saying that I should never leave my job. I am absolutely not saying that. I love not having a job. I love going away on holiday and coming back and not having the holiday blues because I need to go back to work. I love that when the Kids are ill, I can just be with them. And I can put my my work on hold and

just, you know, be the mum that they need me to be at that time. I love that if my friends over for America and says, Hey, you want to meet up in London, I'm like, Yeah, cool. Let's go to London. You know, I love having that flexibility and leaving my job is the best thing ever. Like when I went into work, and I handed in my notice, that honestly was the best feeling ever. I've actually got a video on my Instagram about my last day. And you can just see the joy joy in my face. And it is still I'm so so grateful that I'm at a place where I don't need to work for someone else. But I just want to offer you, you know, these little insights so that you do it at the right time, because I don't want you to leave your job. And it be stressful. And I don't want it to hinder all the work that you've done in your business so far, I want you to leave at time. That's right. So the time that I think is right, is where you've at least matched your income. So you've matched your income. And if for any reason you weren't earn a penny in your business, you would still be happy in life or still go on and you could still do everything that you need to do. And that's what you want to do. Ideally, if you can make double your full time, income from your business that is that a great time to leave. But just make sure you're doing it as at a stable time, you've got things in place in your business, which is like you've got a system in place, and you know that month to month is going to be pretty much the same. So if you have a month where you suddenly get in massive sales, and it's been an amazing time, and you're like absolutely fly in, just think is this, is this a one off? Is this a one off hype? Or is this how it's going to be from now on. So just think about those things. But yeah, I hope that is going to make the transition a lot more pleasant for lots of you. Because I don't like I said, I don't want this to be a time that is like you feel totally lost when you do it. And there are certain things right now that you can do to prepare for that time. And even if if you want to start putting away like 10 or 20% of your full time income, in a way in a pot, which is like your buffer for when you do make that jump, then that's going to be amazing as well. I remember talking to Sarah Knight, she's the author of the the subtle art of not giving a ... book. And she she was saying that when she was thinking about leaving her full time, you know, high paying book editing job to just be an author. She actually prepared for it for a year beforehand, she was putting money away, she was putting part of her paycheck away every single month, so that she had that buffer. And that's a really great idea. And it makes the trend transition so much better. So I'm so excited for all of you let me know if your goal this year is to leave your job. If you do love your job as well, by the way, that's also amazing. But if you're doing this on your as a side hustle as well, that's also amazing. But I know for me, that was my biggest driver. So thank you so much. I hope you have a wonderful day. And I'm so excited for the time that if this is your goal that you can go into your boss hand in your notice, just think about that time as well. By the way, if that is what your drive is, just think about that moment where you go to your boss, you hand in your notice and you say I am out and you walk out of that job. And you know that is the last time that you're going to have to answer to anyone else. Or it's the last time that someone could tell you that when you can eat your lunch or if you want to take five weeks or six weeks holiday one year, you can do that. What an exciting time. So I'm so excited for you. I really hope you found this helpful, please let me know on Instagram. And I look forward to chatting to you next week. Bye guys just a quick one. If you loved this, it would mean so much to me. If you would head over to Apple iTunes. Click subscribe so that you always know when my new episodes are out. Also leaving a five star review it really does make such a difference. And of course share this on your Instagram as well or all of your social media platforms and let other people know who might find this helpful. Tag me at calm eyes life and reach out to me. I can't wait to chat to you in the DMS and I look forward to chatting to you next week. Bye

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