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How to STOP Sabotaging You Financial Success with NLP Coach Michelle Hillier

Feb 07, 2022




Carly Meyers, Michelle Hillier


Carly Meyers  00:02

Ah, hello, everybody. I am so excited for this episode today. Today, I've got one of my favourite people in the whole entire world here, even though we've still not yet met each other in person, which is absolutely ridiculous. We've been working together now for over a year. And we still haven't met in person but one of my favourite people in the world and I know that you're going to be so excited about this episode as well, because you guys love having her on the on the show you guys love going to the workshops and all things Michelle Hillier. How you doing?


Michelle Hillier  00:33

I'm so good. I just waved at the camera. I love that. I love podcasting because you get to talk, but I still get to see your face.


Carly Meyers  00:41

It's good. This takes me right back. You know, it's about a year since our first episode. And that's where everything began.


Michelle Hillier  00:46

Yeah, unsuspecting, had no idea what was gonna happen, but just had so much fun. And here we go.


Carly Meyers  00:53

I know. That's the beauty of podcasting as well, isn't it you can I love the people that podcasting helps you meet you meet all these amazing people, and you connect with all these incredible people. And then from that interaction, so many other things spark from it as well. And that was definitely the case for us. So today, we are going to be talking about all things. Money, magnetism, just bringing money into our life. Because I know that I speak to so many people, and one of the biggest things that really stresses them out in their life and their business. And, you know, things that are really kind of holding them back is the financial side of stuff. And just feeling like no matter how hard they work, they always feel like they're hitting a wall. And you know, that was definitely true for me for a long time. I was working, working, working, working and just hitting a ceiling and I was thinking, Am I ever going to break through the ceiling? Or, you know, am I ever going to kind of get to the next point. And it's only when I look back now that I realised that there was some huge blindingly obvious now things that I was doing by just had no idea about my kind of like a financial thermostat and you know, things that we're going on in my money mindset. So that's what we wanted to talk about today, isn't it just share all of those things who can help you all goes to that next level?


Michelle Hillier  02:04

Absolutely. And it's this week is the Lunar New Year. So a lot of people you know, I'm having enemies. So we're very much in sync, we're thinking about the our wealth dynamics for the rest of the year. So it's really good timing.


Carly Meyers  02:16

Totally. And the thing is, like, some people get really funny talking about money, especially women, which drives me crazy, you know, if you ever I hear so many times, someone will say, you know, I'm going to do this workshop shop, or I'm going to do this, and, you know, I'm not gonna charge for it, or like, I'm only gonna charge a little bit for it. And you know, I'm not worried about money. And I had a conversation with someone the other day, and she literally had a full apologetic rant about the fact that she was telling me she needed more money. And she was like, you know, I don't want I don't know, I just need a bit more. And I was like, boom, is fine. If you want more money, like, own that, I want loads of money, I want to be wildly wealthy, wealthy. And I think we need to get better at having these conversations, don't we, when we say I am worthy of having incredible wealth, and I'm also worthy of it coming effortlessly, to me, doesn't always need to be a struggle does it?


Michelle Hillier  03:06

Doesn't it? You know, I think a lot of people look at money is kind of like pieces of a pie and there's only so much pie. So they only want to take a certain sliver slice because they feel that they take a bigger sliver slice they're taking from somebody else, but that's not the case. There is enough for everyone. And at the end of the day, I really want to break free of the idea that money is whatever people think money is money is tied to who they are as people money is tied to what kind of life they think that they can have money is tied to happiness to a certain way. But if you look at like the OG money manifestation books, or if you look at like thinking Grow Rich, right, which is Napoleon Hill is probably one of the first ones I think it was written in 37. He doesn't talk about money as far as you know, dollars in the bank, he talks about as this is healthy, you know, mindset, this is healthy body, this is joy, this is being able to do what you love. And so I want to change the conversation around just whatever bank notes you have in your pocket or in your bank account to how do we bring in the kind of wealth that's going to give us the life that we want most because at the end of the day, that's what we want. We don't want money, right? We want to have a house it feels good to us. We don't care about a fancy car we want whatever that may be tied to we want to go fast or whatever it may be. So let's change up the conversation a bit currently. Let's shake it up a bit.


Carly Meyers  04:21

Okay, that's the shake up so I want to I mean, I'm going to ask you so many questions because so many things that I feel like I really really want to unpack but where do you feel like like what where do you feel like most people are going wrong like why do you feel like most people are are so many people are just stuck in this cycle doing the same thing every single year. I always look at the new year as you know such a kind of pivotal point where I look back at what's happened over the last year and for so long. A year would go and I think I am in the exact same position. I always thought like when I would come to buy my family their Christmas gifts, and I was still buying them these like crap gifts and I was like, I just want to spend loads of money on them. And it's not money, but I just wanted to really show them like and do all these amazing gestures and have these experiences. And every year was coming around that I still couldn't afford it and that feeling of like, oh god, why am I still in this position? Why do you think people keep finding themselves in that position?


Michelle Hillier  05:20

So that's a good question. First, to everybody listening, I understand that we could talk about this for 1000 hours and still have information to dissect on it. So we're just gonna dip our toes in today. But I really want to just bring to everyone's attention, how much resistance people have when it comes to money. So money, as we stated earlier, is just energy, just like anything else, it's just energy flows in and out of your life and your availability to letting more energy into your life is going to be the same as you letting more money into your life. And a lot of people have resistance, they think they want the money, they think they want the wealth. But then they have all these stories that they start to build up in their life, that creates these little barriers. So maybe money is already flowing to them. Because, as you mentioned earlier, this is about magnetism. We look at money as we're chasing it, but money is actually an energy currency that's always coming towards us. And it's our own resistance in the form of bad habits, or bad mental attitudes that cause these barriers, and this money coming towards us. So resistance comes in a lot of ways. Even just saying, so the story that you just gave, let's say that, you know, November runs rolls around. So I'm in the United States, we have Thanksgiving, I know you guys don't do that in the UK. But around this time, this is when people start really thinking about presence. And if every year you come to a place where you don't have as much as you want to spend, you kind of shift into this programming of it's November, it's Thanksgiving, I'm going to struggle for for cash for my family, it sets in automatically, because we don't have the capacity to create new stories without a little bit of effort. But old stories, you know, it's like a TV show or movie, you've seen a million times, you could play it 1000 times in your head, no problem. We do that with our stories. So that's, that's the first thing. The second thing is, once the money does start coming in for some people, they have this feeling of, Am I actually worthy to receive. And then we close ourselves off to receiving those are two of the biggest things is we run programmes that just don't serve us because we're used to it. And we're not willing to receive because of our own self worth


Carly Meyers  07:26

is so true. And I think like sometimes actually struggling for money becomes the comfortable place to be in. You know, like when you're working so hard and struggling for money. And you're like you're chasing, chasing, chasing that actually becomes the comfortable place because that's what you're so used to. And when it does start to flow. I know that lots of people can go into panic mode almost and think, Well, if it's flowing to me now I'm going to lose it in some way. Or I definitely had this when I really started to start started to like, earn more money and get into a good financial place. What I felt like was that the kind of narrative I kept telling myself was that I'm not good with money. Because previously, up until that point, I'd got myself in loads of debt. And I'd spent, you know, frivolously and I'd done stupid things with my money. And I'd got myself into trouble because of the way that I was spending my money. And that was not the kind of narrative that I kept telling myself. And so when when I was then earning a lot more money, but also spending every single penny that I had. Once I started unpacking I realised this because I thought that I couldn't be trusted with money. And I was just getting rid of it as soon as possible.


Michelle Hillier  08:40

I appreciate you sharing that with people. Because I guarantee you there's going to be so many people who are like, holy crap, that's me too. And also, I mean, it is actually human nature to just spend what we're given unless you are someone who is highly frugal or taught to be frugal or taught to budget. It's like when you go to let's say you go to a buffet, and you fill up a plate of food, you will eat everything on that plate. If you get a smaller plate, you'll eat everything on that plate. But you just eat it. Okay, Carly, by the way, Carly knows I will always bring it back into food. Everything always comes back to food. But basically, we eat whatever's on our plate, you put a small portion, we eat it and we fall, you give us a huge portion, we'll eat it and we'll be stuffed but we'll be full. We tend to just use it all up. So then it kind of comes to how do you want to think about your money, not just as far as so a lot of people listening are probably in the place where when money comes in, the first thing they do is they think about what Bill do I have to pay? Right? So that's one really easy, quick shift you can make with your energy is to start creating a fund that is just for you. It's your pay quarterly first fund or pay Michelle first fund, even if it's just $1 you can start to energetically shift the way that money comes into your life because it's no longer money kind of flowing through you to immediately Are bills, but it's money flowing to you to hold on to. And then to make the conscious decision to do whatever you want with it.


Carly Meyers  10:07

That's so true. I remember actually, I heard that I read the book, Secrets of the Millionaire Mind. And I remember they talked about having like a play fund. And so you put a certain amount of money in there, and you could literally do whatever you want with that. And that really helps me because it allowed me to be really reckless with my money from that fund, so I could still like scratch that itch of being like, Sunday, I'm just going to spend all my money, but actually, I wasn't spending all my money, I was just spending all my allocated money because there is some like that everyone else is the same. But for me, there's that itch that needs to be scratched. So it's just feels a bit free for a minute, you know, like, when you're living at a place where for you get paid, and then you basically spend your whole pay-check. And then for the rest of the, you know, the last three weeks of the month, you're counting every penny, that a feeling of when you can just get paid and be like, I'm just gonna spend my money. That's such a freeing feeling. And I think that was the feeling that I used to keep chasing. So when I could do that, just with that play fund, that that massively helped. I've just remembered, you know, I've just remembered a subconscious act of getting rid of my mind all of my money. And I thought I'd share this just in case someone's thinking, Well, I don't do that I don't spend all of my money. Sometimes you got to be careful of the subconscious ways that you do it as well. You're not really sure. So I was working for this guy, and I ended up getting, like a five gramme bonus of a five gramme bonus for me that was massive. At the time, I was living in London, I was like, I quite literally felt like I'd won the lottery. And I got this five grand bonus. And I, first of all, I treated loads my friends, I was buying my friends loads stuff, because I just wanted to treat them and, you know, gave my other friend loads of money in blah, blah, blah. But so that's like an obvious way of spending the money. But a subconscious way that I didn't realise was I got four parking tickets of like, 120 pounds each. So I literally spent like, what's that? 480 pounds on parking tickets? As soon as I got that, that, that thinks that was like a subconscious, you know, act within me deep within me that was responding in that way.


Michelle Hillier  12:19

Yes, but that's, that's what we do with our programmes, whatever we're running. Yeah, it's happening at the subconscious level or unconscious level. It's not, it's so far out of our awareness. We don't even realise that we're doing it. But the good news is, is that when you actually start to reprogram yourself to having positive unconscious behaviours, they work in your benefit. That's when people say, I woke up to more money in the bank, or I woke up to checks or at my clients, they started coming to me. So the bad news is, a lot of us have programming and limiting beliefs and things and habits that are negative. And that also means that we can shift it and make it all positive, too. So I mean, not all positive, but we can shift the scale of, you know, in the positive direction.


Carly Meyers  13:01

Yeah, totally. So one thing that I think always is a really good indicator to see where you're at with your kind of money mindset is actually listening to the language that you use the words you use. So what are some kind of phrases or words that you might say, that would be a little bit of a red flag to all we need a little bit of work there? Like, you know, there's some limiting beliefs around finances there? Or there's, there's something going on there? What kind of red flag phrases?


Michelle Hillier  13:28

Oh, yeah, I mean, there's so many, but I would think, and just looking at the conversations people have, is just listening to their relationship with money. Is that relationship outside of their control? Or are they taking responsibility for what's happening? Right? So things like, my business is really slow right now. Because of COVID. Now, I know that a lot of people might just get triggered by what I just said, because like, COVID, has made things really hard. And yes, they have, and I am not denying that whatsoever, but that is also outside of our control. So you know, it's and then becomes what responsibility do I have, okay, so I need to make more phone calls, I need to be on social media more, I need to up my game, you know, and then you have to take just full responsibility for what's going on. And so it's okay to have that initial gut punch of crap. Things are really hard right now because of what's happening around me. And now here's what I'm going to do about it. So if I see somebody who, and I'm gonna say this, and I'm gonna say this, with so much love, the majority of people are citing things outside of their control all the time, and they're talking about their finances all the time. But when I do catch that person who says, You know what, I just came up short this month, because I've been putting myself out there. I can see that they're already 100 steps in front of the person who may be making some money right now because they're like, Okay, what am I going to do about it? So that's really the biggest one.


Carly Meyers  14:54

It is so true. The responsibility piece is massive. And this even happened to me recently, like me and Kurt got this massive bill that we just weren't expecting. We were like, Oh, we did not prepare for that. And then we were chatting about it. And I got that feeling of like, old school colleague just being like, you know what we're gonna do what we're gonna pay for how we're gonna pay for this. And then I literally just had a moment and I was like, we'll get up and do something about it. So I literally got up. When is my office came downstairs, I was like, What are you doing? And I was like, Well, I'm working, we got a bill to pay. And I need to figure out how to how we're going to do it. And so but that's it, isn't it, you can't actually just sit there and go into a hole of like, what are you going to do? This is terrible, but you just got actually make it to do something about it. And you know, as soon as you do as well, you feel so much better. As soon as you actually take action, like, literally 20 minutes into working. I was like, I know how we're going to do this isn't a problem, we've got this, we're going to be fine.


Michelle Hillier  15:48

I can Yes. There's a saying Lisa Picasso said of her nose, but it's inspiration will find you but it'll only find you working. So it's like when you start to put one foot instead of in front of the other. But I also think that's amazing that you did that. And you I mean, you're scrappy, you always know how to get it done for people who feel a little bit stuck. And they're not yet taking those steps are really fun, just mental exercise to do is think of at least 20 different ways you can pay that bill, you can even make it as fun as you want. But when you start to realise you start to open up your vision to what's possible. So let's say the bill is just to make life easy. $1,000 and you charge $1,000 an hour for consulting. Okay, just be one hour of consulting. Or you could do an ebook, and you can sell it for $10 I need to send you know, sell 100 ebooks, and then you can start to get fun with it. You know, I just I get a scratcher that's worth $1,000 You guys do Scratchers in the UK. Like,


Carly Meyers  16:45

now that you're saying a scratch card. But a scratcher is like a whole different thing. Like for a second. I was thinking, this is some kind of service that you offer some kind of scratching service. I was like, this is weird. You're a weird person.


Michelle Hillier  16:59

So for $500 an hour or two hours, I will scratch your back.


Carly Meyers  17:06

Do you know what that is? Oh my god. If it was like popping spots on a back though, I would 100% do that. That is that is a great pastime. It's a TV show.


Michelle Hillier  17:14

And in the US, it's just all about that. So clearly, you have a demographic.


Carly Meyers  17:19

Oh, I get it, you know, don't turn to me, you know, my business mind goes like I end up going on a tangent. I'm like, Michelle, I've got an idea.


Michelle Hillier  17:28

I've got this is how we're going to make millions. No. So I mean, just doing this activity. And and I would always say don't do it sitting at a computer. But stand up, go for a walk, go outside and be like, these are the different ways. And the more you do that, the more you actually open up your awareness to what's possible, and you lower your resistance. The key to raising your financial thermostat is always lowering your resistance to money. Always like to money coming in. And there's so many ways that you can do that. Just so many fun ways to doesn't have to be all hard work.


Carly Meyers  17:59

Yeah, there really is. And that's like, that's the difference. Isn't it really realising that actually, earning more money doesn't mean hustling more. Always, a lot of the time, it's actually doing less and mean you even had this conversation yesterday where I was like, I think I need to actually do less. I need to like, actually scale things back a bit and like create space and sometimes Yeah, actually not hustling so much is is the answer to all of it. Just going back to the language things. Like one thing that I I always remember when I was working in a was working for a luxury cruise, not cruise yacht company. And I was just like standing on on there. sounds impressive. But basically, they just hired like dancers to stand on the yacht and dress the yacht. I just got really carried away in my job role and started like, you know, telling them all about the yacht. And I was like, Well, this is Fendi, the whole yacht was Fendi. It was amazing. But the people would get on to that these people would come and look at the Yachts and they would get on. And probably 70% of people that got on said, All this would be nice when I win the lottery. And I just really remember that. That phrase, you know, there was some people that got on that were like that, that didn't say that kind of thing. And they were just genuinely talking about how it was possible that they were going to get this this year. And there's so many people go on. He said, Oh yeah, why don't win the lottery. And I've just really realised that that's a massive insight into someone's thinking into thinking that the only way I'm going to get money is a random miracle happens and I win the lottery. I can't possibly generate that money myself. And I always think that like a phrase like that is always quite an indicator


Michelle Hillier  19:47

And the people who say I could never I could never afford something like this. Like they don't even the lottery is even possible


Carly Meyers  19:53

or how the other half lives. That's like I hate that one. So I just think you just literally You put yourself in a box and shut the lid like that lid is nailed shut. And you just said that's for other people. That couldn't possibly be for me.


Michelle Hillier  20:10

Yes. So okay, I'm not going to go far off this tangent, but tick tock so you know, I'm big on like going on tick tock. And I've been seeing this so much in the comments of really successful women. So there's one Creator, in particular, she's phenomenal. I hope she doesn't mind I'm gonna mention her name, her name is Li X to luxury, her name is Michelle, she's fantastic creator. But you look in her comment section, she's wildly successful woman in her own right. And she flies around the world business class. And people in her comment sections are like, you must have a rich daddy, or you must have a super like, you're, it's nice that your husband pays for you to. And she does this all on her own right? She is phenomenal. And it really gives me insight to what people believe. And unfortunately, society doesn't allow. And I know that in the majority of people who listen your podcast are women, so I'm going to go this way. They don't allow for women to necessarily just be successful in their own right. And so sometimes we make ourselves small to fit into the society that's built around us rather than deal with haters, because who wants to deal with the haters? You know,


Carly Meyers  21:17

so true, I see that so much people saying that they must have a rich, a rich daddy. And I actually felt that, you know, when I first got my, my white Mercedes got this big like four by four website. It's like, it's a really like sexy car. It's a big car. And I actually felt like myself, I remember being at the petrol station. And I was putting up and like, this guy was looking at me. And I, my instant thought was, I bet he thinks that this is my husband's car. And I don't know why that, like thought just popped up. And I don't really know what that means. Really? Well, basically, I just, it really highlighted to me that that still is kind of ingrained in us that, you know, a woman in our own right couldn't possibly be successful, it has to have been our partner. Yeah, it's an interesting, interesting point.


Michelle Hillier  22:06

But that's a really good place for us to all start. So anybody sitting in a place right now, where they're trying to dissect, like, what's really going on my life? How comfortable are you just saying, This is me, I'm wildly successful. This is the money that I earned, this is who I am. And be willing to, because a lot of people make themselves smile, because they're not ready and willing to deal with the haters. And I hate to break it to anybody listening. But that's just what happens when you become successful. You know, it doesn't have to be negative. But you know, people see you, when you elevate yourself, it they call it in Australia, that tall poppy syndrome, like the tall poppy, the successful, you know, one poking up above the other flowers, people try and chop it down. You just have to become resilient. And just say, You know what, that's your interesting point of view. And cool.


Carly Meyers  22:53

Totally. Can you talk about that? You've got a phrase is a really good phrase. It's very articulate phrase that explains it. But you know, when like, you're trying to attract something? And actually, you don't want to it's secondary, something you actually don't want to try. Yeah. Because of the result of it. Can you talk to you about that again? Yeah.


Michelle Hillier  23:15

So in neurolinguistic programming, it's called secondary gain. Yes, and, and basically, there's this underlying belief system that can keep you from getting what you want, because so I'll give you an example. Let's say that you are the luckiest woman in the entire world. And you were told you're the luckiest woman in the entire world. And then if you went out and bought a lottery, would you call it a scratch ticket, not


Carly Meyers  23:39

A scratch card, scratcher.


Michelle Hillier  23:44

If you were told, if you went out right now and got a scratch card, you'd win a million dollars, you might be walking there, but you find yourself deciding I'm not going to go. And you may not know why. But there's this programme underneath. It's like if I win a million dollars, all my exes are going to try and find me or I'm going to have family members come out the woodwork or I'm not going to know how to pay taxes on this. Or you may talk yourself out of a really good set, you know, situation because the secondary gain of not winning it is you don't have to deal with quote unquote deal with what could possibly come along with it. It’s self sabotage. This happens all the time.


Carly Meyers  24:23

All the time, right. I'm gonna I'm gonna disclose a very personal story here. Right. So this this has happened to me this week. So, Michelle, do you remember a couple of months ago, I sent you that picture of that house that I was gonna win? What did you Oh, yeah, remember, and I was like, I might the Amaze house, right. So I've actually told people about this. I've told people that I'm going to win that amaze house. In Ascot is this beautiful 3.5 million pound White House in ascot. I don't know what it was. Whenever I when I saw it, something just stuck and I was like, that is my house. I'm going to win that house. So I've been busy, realising it really intensely, literally for the last few months, right, and I have never got into a state of visualisation like it, I can smell it, I can hear the sounds in it, I can like I am so there. And genuinely, I genuinely believe that I was going to win that house. Like I was fully, fully, fully convinced I'd even like, got my phone ready and everything when they were when they were going to call anyway, we didn't we didn't win that. But I was thinking about it today. And I literally just had a lightbulb moment. And I just everything just made total sense to me. And I know that I kept having this thought, when I was visualising I also kept having this thought. And I was thinking, if I win that house, that's going to veto all of my success. And people will only think I'm successful, because I won that house. Even though right now, I'm working well. I saw I've got loads things in place. I've got you know, I'm great at what I do. And I know that I'm going to be massively successful, when I still carry on doing all of those things. People will say, is because you won that house. And that feeling felt really uncomfortable to me. And I felt like, I don't want that. I don't want people to think, you know, it's just she's only successful because she got there and yeah, and had little moment. A little brainwave state


Michelle Hillier  26:21

It’s big. That was your house girl?


Carly Meyers  26:25

That was my house. And I sabotaged it. And we drove through Ascot today. And I was thinking, I thought that, sorry about the language, but, but it's just it because it made me really aware of that subconscious thought. And those are the powerful thoughts that that book, The Missing secret, which I've spoken about so much before. That's what he talks about, it's actually not about the act of visualising, and the thing that you're doing is actually the subconscious thought that you're not always aware of. And that is actually the thing that blocks it. I do trust that everything happens for a reason. And the universe has a bigger plan for me. But it's got this weekend.


Michelle Hillier  27:05

And maybe you still will be at some point, you know, but if you look at that, so that's a really good example, if you look at Facebook, so everybody gets retargeted. When I looked at that, even though I'm not in the UK, I started getting retargeted for it and looking at the comment section, it's like, Well, how am I gonna pay taxes on that, or


Carly Meyers  27:22

the interesting, they were so


Michelle Hillier  27:25

Negative, and I'm like, wait a second, this is an organisation raising money for charity, my friends. And so that's really a good indicator of so here's a question that you ask yourself. If you think about something you really, really want, here are the questions that you ask yourself, What happens if I get it? And then you write down all the answers? What happens if I don't get it? And then you read down the answers. And then you ask yourself the question, What bad things happen if I get it? And even though maybe it's not necessarily bad, it'll kind of pull up to the surface, whatever secondary gain belief you have, you know, so that you can work through it. Because now, you know, currently, if you knew this ahead of time, and don't worry, your house is still on your way. It's way you could have said, Okay, well, what else could it mean? So yeah, maybe people would think about you, and what else could it mean? So let's work through it now with you right now. Okay. So let's say, let's say that you have this amazing house, it is dropped in your lap, whatever which way it did. And then people start talking about you. It's like, oh, yeah, well, that's Carly. She's successful because she won this house. What can you do about it?


Carly Meyers  28:35

There's nothing I can do about it. But I would just feel like one of my biggest values is hard work. And, yeah, and work ethic. And I think it would really frustrate me for people to think that I had just been lucky. When actually I do work really, really hard. I know, it doesn't really matter what people think, you know, it just the actually does. If you're really honest with yourself. It does. And I want to be respected for the work that I do.


Michelle Hillier  29:05

So then ask yourself, does that person's opinion matter? Like,


Carly Meyers  29:10

Yeah, it really. It really doesn't like, when you think about it, it really, really doesn't. But then there is still that little bit in you. That's like, Yeah, but I want to be recognised for the work that I do. I want people to say, Wow, you worked your ass off for that. You so deserve that. You know?


Michelle Hillier  29:28

Yeah, it looks like I think this is something you're gonna have a homework assignment currently surrounding this because we have the saying and this was told to me probably a decade ago and it's my favourite thing is what other people think of me is none of my business. And it's kind of a it's a backwards way of saying like the people who actually give a crap about they would never say that, you know, his money care about would never do that.


Carly Meyers  29:54

And in with every other light with so many other areas of life. I'm rock solid on that. I mean, like, Hello, I've got a network marketing business, you have to get really good at not caring what people think, like I have nailed that one. But sometimes like for, you know, for, for me money and you know, for so many people money can just bring up stuff and it's like another subconscious layer. So this is why we wanted to deep dive into this because what we're saying here is I, I've been doing the work on money mindset for so long a really, really long time. Michelle is a neurolinguistic programming, she is like epic when it comes to rewiring the brain. But this is like consistent work, isn't it? And this is why it's so important that you figure out the, the exercises to get through it. Because for me, if I hadn't done the work on my money mindset, I couldn't have identified that I was blocking myself in that situation. So I would have kept trying to manifest stuff and kept saying, This is what I want. This is what it's gonna be like, I'm not ever achieving or getting what I'm, you know what I'm trying to achieve, because I'm not aware of that subconscious thought. So that's why this is such a powerful exercise, because it just really helps you tune in and think, Wow, that is a habit. I had no idea that I was doing but it is fully getting in the way of my success.


Michelle Hillier  31:16

You need to change the story about what winning that house could mean. So yes, for some people, it means that you didn't work for it. For other people, they're gonna look at you and be like, she created some magical luck, right? They're like, this woman has created something special.


Carly Meyers  31:34

You know what I actually wrote a, you're gonna think I'm absolutely nutcase. But I wrote a, an Evernote the day before. And it was a podcast episode. And it's titled, entitled, How I manifested a three and a half million pound house. And I wrote out the entire episode of How I manifested it, because I am going to share that episode at one point, because I know it's going to come to me in some way. But I feel like it's maybe I've manifested it, and I'm going to end up buying that house at some point. Did I mean or whatever it is, however, it happens. I know that it is coming to me in some way. But yeah, it's been it's been an interesting exercise, interesting exercise. But I just think it's such a powerful subject to unpack. And this is why we have a two hour workshop on it, isn't it? We have a two hour workshop coming up. And it is so juicy. So Michelle, tell us about. Tell us all about it.


Michelle Hillier  32:28

So the reason why, you know, when you and I were talking in the beginning of the year about what workshops we wanted to offer, and time and time again, we get asked a question like how do I change my wealth dynamic? How do I raise my financial ceiling? How do I bring more money into my life? How do I consider you know, so I considered myself someone who makes money versus somebody who doesn't have money? Like how do I shift that story. So this workshop that we're doing on February 20, it's going to be at 4pm. BST, or was the other way that you call it you, UK, UK time or at MCs T, we're going to go through the reasons why most people are stuck financially and what you can do about it, so we're actually going to dive in deep. And I have to say that this is not for somebody who's not willing to put in the work. This is not for somebody who isn't willing to take a good hard look in the mirror at what they have been doing. And you know, just kind of take responsibility, as we mentioned earlier for whatever financial situation is going on, you cannot change the past. But one of the things that you and I are so passionate about is your past, your biography has absolutely nothing to do with what's capable in the future, what you're capable of in the future. So we're really here to just give you a full on money, reset, so that you can just absolutely charge through the rest of 2022. Our goal for this workshop is to help you make this the most successful year you have ever had. And that's actually how I like I feel in my bones. And I know that a lot of people are like, that's a little woo-woo. But I've never set out to do something that I haven't been able to make happen. And, and I know it's because I believe it's to be true. So if you're somebody who's not yet willing to believe it's true, or need some help, then this is a workshop for you. We're gonna help get you into the place so that you just, yeah, you stop chasing, you started attracting.


Carly Meyers  34:26

So so true. This is a woo audience by the way, you don't need to worry about the woo-woo everyone's everyone's on the woo-woo spectrum in some way.


Michelle Hillier  34:34

That's so much. That's so much well.


Carly Meyers  34:37

Amazing. Well, you go,


Michelle Hillier  34:40

Oh, no, no, you're gonna have to put you might have to cut this out because my alarm is going off in the background. Thank you, Chris. I can say this. And I hope that this doesn't turn anybody off in the audience, but I want to help teach you what I've been able to use to manifest the most insane things like, you know that I've won trips before, right? I've won four trips in my lifetime. And these are like business class flights, Penthouse Suite, hotels, limo service, like all the nine. And I know that that's just not random. It's not random. There's just no way that it could be.


Carly Meyers  35:24

Yeah, 100% there's so much stuff as well. And it's, it's so powerful when you get into it. And it was all a complete mystery for me for so long. So what me and Michelle do actually, like it's a really interesting dynamic, because I'm here to tell you all my personal stories. So you shed light on some things that you go, Oh, my God, I think I do that too. And then Michelle is here to rewire all of that stuff. It's a powerful combo. I'm excited I've made over the years, and hopefully help you not make the same


Michelle Hillier  36:00

good graces I've made. I've made the most Yeah, horrendous mistakes. But that's how we learn. That's how we learn. For sure.


Carly Meyers  36:07

And it is just about changing. It isn't it's just about, like you say, doing the work, looking at yourself, getting uncomfortable and saying this is where this stops. Like this is where this stops, I definitely had that feeling. And I remember exactly when that pivotal point was when I was like enough is enough. I'm not doing this anymore, this cycle that I'm in of just sabotaging myself, I'm not going to do it anymore. And yeah, it's a powerful place to get to. And it is you just need a few exercises. That's the thing, isn't it, you need a few exercises, you need to understand your thought processes, your thought processes and understand your language and understand like habits that you've been that you've kind of created that just aren't serving you at all. And then you need to flip them. But sometimes you need someone else to help you do that.


Michelle Hillier  36:54

Yeah, we kind of say, you know, brain surgeons don't operate on themselves. You need somebody from the outside to just help you lead.


Carly Meyers  37:02

I mean, I can't even do my own job now. So So you know, I get that energy. I know. Absolutely. Amazing. So where can people book onto that? When is it. So it's on the 20th of February 4pm, PST, 8am PST. And it's a book that you can go on either of our Instagrams, I'm going to put the link in the show notes as well, you can go on to my Instagram, or Michelle's Instagram go into the the link in the bio, and you can book it there. And yeah, it's going to be so good. It's, it's fully packed, isn't it like it is a juicy, juicy, two hours. But we just really want to get some results at the end of it. This isn't just kind of like a sit and watching the bath and be like, Well, that was a nice two hours. This is like, okay, we're getting down to it. And you get a workbook to really get


Michelle Hillier  37:53

back. And I do actually I do need to bring up because a lot of people listening have probably done workshops with us this year. And we've done a lot of free workshops. This is a paid workshop. This is for you to come in and transform and a lot of people who are used to us giving away everything for free, we will continue to give away free things. We'll give it away on the podcast, we give it away all the places. But this is different. This is about saying, You know what, I'm going to put some skin in the game, I'm willing to invest, to really change to change my financial future. So what I mentioned that for people who have taken some of our other workshops this year,


Carly Meyers  38:27

so so true. So true. I'm so excited about it, it's going to be epic. And yeah, we're gonna make some massive changes. Thank you so much. I hope you enjoyed this episode. I've absolutely loved chatting with you. And I hope you all enjoyed listening to it. I love it. When me and Michelle come together. We really had nothing scripted. You may realise that by the fact that we ended up talking about back scratching, you may realise that we do this, but I love it. We could chat for hours. And yeah, it's always such good stuff that constant rate. So we're so excited. Please join us. If you love this episode, please take a screenshot, share it on your Instagram, and tag me at Carlene Wise Life and tag Michelle at Michelle dot that Hill Yeah, I never know where the dots go. Yeah, tags all over the places unless you're loving. Let us know if you're joining us in the workshop and also what you would love to learn most from that workshop as well because we are here to serve you honestly, if you've spent any time with me and Michelle, we are so passionate about genuinely getting the results that you want to get. We want that two hours to be the most impactful, most transformational time as it can possibly be. So reach out to us let us know exactly what it is. Be vulnerable, you know, open up to us. Let us know what that is. I'm so vulnerable in this podcast all the time. Because that's only when it's only when you really open up that you can make proper change happen. So we're so excited to see you there. And I'm so excited to catch you next week on the podcast. Bye guys. Bye

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