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How Knowing Your Human Design Can Completely Change Your Life and Business with Danielle McCleerey

Feb 24, 2022



Carly Meyers, Danielle McCleerey 

Carly Meyers 00:13 

Hey, it's Carly here and you're listening to the made for more podcast, the show that talks about  balancing business, babies and all the beautiful madness that lies in between. I promise you will learn  a lot. You will grow a lot, and you will laugh a lot most of all, I promise that you will finally see that you  are made for incredible things, and I'm here to help you achieve them. It's time to stop telling yourself  that your dreams are too big and start dreaming bigger. This is the made for Comcast. Let's do this.  Hello, my friends. Hope you're all good. I hope you've had a wonderful day. I'm so excited to be  talking to you today. I do have a bit of a cold. I'm really sorry if you can hear my sniffles I don't want  you going at all. You know. I'm just powering through. It's all good I was so excited to bring you this  episode today. I have had the most woo-woo day I've ever had, I think so this evening, I got to  interview the incredible Danielle McCleary, I'm gonna give her a little intro in a second we talked all  things human design, and it was amazing. We got a full woo-woo but it was amazing today, I actually  had a remote reading. I don't know if anyone's ever had it I had like a remote psychic reading. All I did  was I text this woman by name then she sent me through this full blown psychic reading Now the  sceptic in me and definitely like people that have told this story to like, Yeah, whatever she could have 

researched you and you know, looks you up on Instagram the stuff that she told me, he just would not  know his details that you would not know. It's like thoughts that I've been having you know things  about ancestors that you just wouldn't even know if you look to be able to Instagram. So I had the  most amazing reading, all of these things came through and they were just so spot on it's just made  me feel so like trusting I think the trusting of the universe, trusting of everything that's happening  trusting that I'm being guided and this interview tonight. Totally did that as well. It just confirmed  everything and I just feel so calm. So I hope you're gonna get the same from this as well. I know you  are. So Danielle McCleary, she is a powerful, powerful energy. Oh, my goodness, when I first met her, I  was totally drawn to her. As you go through this episode, you're going to understand why she's an  incredible woman she's an absolute powerhouse of an entrepreneur as well. So she is a hugely  successful network marketer. She's also she was a hugely successful fitness instructor working in the  fitness industry. She also is the host of the ‘On the Daily Podcast’. Her podcast is incredible she's just  an all around incredible Human. I'm so excited to have her on the show today, we got to talk about all  things human design. So if you don't know about human design, it's basically kind of like a real kind of  insight into your personality and to see how you're working if you're working in the right way this is  why I wanted to bring it onto this podcast. Because once you know your ‘Human Design,' you can  really understand how to change your life and change your business and make sure that you're  working in the best way possible for you, not just in the way that you've been taught perhaps you're  working so hard and just feeling so out of alignment of feeling like, this just doesn't feel right you don't  know why. So that's why I wanted to bring this episode to you. So you can really get some insights  and figure out who it is you are, how you're meant to be showing up as serving the world, and why  you're meant to be doing it as well. So she actually did a live reading for me, she actually did my  human design readings. So definitely stay tuned for that. Even if you are not the same human desires  me, it's so interesting to see how it all works out she does actually give you an extra special offer at  the end for a reading specifically with her, which is literally like, I would snap that up, believe me. So  yeah, enjoy this episode. I'm so excited to hear what your human design is. If you think you know what  you are. It's an exciting things to really understand. So I hope you enjoy it. If you love this episode,  please take a screenshot. Leave it on your Instagram, tag me @CarlyMeyerslife and 

@madeformorepod and let me know what you're loving. Of course share this with anyone else that you  think would find this helpful. Thank you so much. Enjoy. Bye.  

Have you ever listened to this or any other podcasts and thought, I feel like I could do that? Well, the  truth is you 100% Can and you totally should I'm here to show you how now I know what you're  thinking. I know you're thinking I just have no idea where to start. Or maybe the technical stuff totally  freaks you out. Or maybe you're thinking I actually don't know whether anyone other than my mom  would listen to my podcast believe May I tell you that is exactly why I put off starting my podcast for  two years now it is the best thing I've ever done. So, I want to show you how to get limitless listeners  every single month. I want to show you how to do it in a hassle free tech way I want to show you how  you can actually make a profit from your podcast as well. So if you want to know all about these  things, and you are ready to launch your podcast, then head over to forward slash  free podcast training. I've got a 30 minute training for you it's going to show you how to do all of those  things because we need to hear your voice. I can't wait to see you there. Hey, Danielle McCleary, how  you doing? 

Danielle McCleerey 05:39 

Hi, honey. So good to see you. 

Carly Meyers 05:40 

Ah, I am so excited to have you on the show. So I want to let everyone know about how we met. We  met just over two years ago in Maui. We both showed up in Maui completely wiped out because like  four days before that we just promoted to the top level of our company and it was a wild ride wasn't  it? I think we both probably looked at each other. Like hair not brushed, face, not washed. 

Danielle McCleerey 06:11 

If you're listening to this, like let me paint this picture for you. Everybody shows up to this trip, it's like  an annual trip and everyone shows up dressed to the nines, spray tan on they've been working out in 

the gym for like six months straight. They all look snatched, and then you can always tell the people  who just promoted because we show up looking like trash, just trash. 

Carly Meyers 06:35 

The amount of drive through McDonald's I had on the lead up to that promotion. It was like - there is  no time. I just need to eat all the fast food. Yeah, I feel you. 

Danielle McCleerey 06:44 

Fizz and fudge. Yeah, I'm like energy and fudge. That's what I survived on. 

Carly Meyers 06:49 

I had a three month old baby as well. I was literally like, how do you travel with the baby? What do you  do in these times? But yeah, it was all good. I remember seeing you. You had this amazing hat on,  your image is just like POW and I was like, she's my girl. Then I found out you were a Sagittarius as  well and I was like, I think we are actually some kind of kindred spirits. I love it. So I'm so excited to  talk to you today because not only are you an amazing podcast host and an amazing network  marketer, but you are also an amazing Human Design reader. I need to explain to my listeners, why I  wanted to talk about human design today because I remember I put a post out on my Instagram and I  was saying, right, I'm trying to channel my mind, I've got all these ideas. I'm trying to figure out the  best way to work, do I work on one subject for a whole day? Then the next day work on another  subject? Or do I do hour by hour and someone reached out to me and they were like you need to get  your Human Design read because that will make sense of all of it. I was like, What is this thing? What  is the secret that all these enlightened people know, I need to know the secret. Then when I saw that  you were training to be Human Design reader I was like, This is my girl. So, just take us back a little bit  because you weren't. You weren't born into Human Design but tell us where did you start? Tell us a  little bit of background yourself and then how you came to get into human design. 

Danielle McCleerey 08:11

Yeah, so I'm excited actually, the fact that you're saying all this, like this will all make sense. So yeah, I  I'm from Los Angeles, California. I grew up here born and raised, I have lived in many different places  then I've always kind of come back. I grew up a dancer and a performing artist. So I went to university  for dance and for acting, I got a master's degree in acting. I worked in film and television, I worked as  

a professional dancer and choreographer for many years and then kind of around like the age of 27 I  was like, I think I'm done with this industry. You know, like it kind of chewed me up and spit me out a  little bit, like it does. I kind of had a moment where I was like, I think I'm done and you know, it was a  good decade of my life. So, I was like one of those people that grew up really fast and you know, I  

travelled the world from such a young age, I moved to London when I was like 20 years old and  worked professionally and just did all of the things that most people don't do until they're in their 30s. I  did them by the time I was 25. So, it’s crazy, because I've always been into astrology. So like, I started  after I left, like from the time I mean, I think I was probably like 16 or 17 the first time I had my  astrological chart read, and I was like, Oh, this all makes sense. I am a Sagittarius I'm not just a  Sagittarius. I'm like Sagittarius, Sun and Moon. I have like seven Sagittarius’ in my birth chart. Like I'm  very Sagittarius, but I'm also like a little bit Scorpio, and I'm also a little bit Capricorn and so I got  really into astrology, like way, way, way, way, way, way back in the day. So that will be important later  in the story. So, I leave the entertainment industry, kind of by happenstance, and it like it kind of  started because I fell in love with fitness. I took a SoulCycle class, which is an indoor cycling class,  and I actually hated it the first time. Then I went back, and then I fell in love with it and I was going to  class every day before I had to be on set. I worked on the Disney Channel at the time so I was like  working on set all day but before I do, we take a SoulCycle class and then we went on hiatus, and I  kind of decided to get a part time job at the studio just to like, work out for free. Then the show ended  and I was like, okay, well, I guess I'll just like keep working here. Then like, figure out what I want to do  next. Then I became an instructor and like that kind of, I feel like becoming a SoulCycle instructor was  like a very, very pivotal moment. By this point I had been married for six years, I got married when I  was 20. I was going through like a separation divorce at the time, like I was about to meet my son's  dad, who I would fall madly in love with we'd stayed together for a couple years. All before I met my  current fiancé like this was like the very pivotal moment in my life so I started on this like long fitness  journey. Years later, I then find network marketing. I did very, I've done very well in network marketing. 

I love network marketing then I started a podcast through doing that podcast, which is called on the  daily and it's all about authentic and acoustic entrepreneurship. I met somebody who told me you  need to have your human design read I was like, I don't even know what that is like, I'm an astrology  girl. Thanks so much not interested, right? She's like, No, like, it has components of astrology I think  you're really gonna love it I was like, okay, so I let her she's a friend of mine, I let her do a reading on  me she did a full chart reading and it blew my mind to pieces it for the first time in my life, I felt like  everything made sense it didn't take away from my astrology, my astrological chart, it didn't take away  from any of that it really just like reconfirmed what I already knew to be true about myself, in so many  ways so then I kind of, you know, I started to think about it then I decided, in true Danielle faction, like,  well, if I'm going to love it, I might as well like learn how to read it. So I dove into a course and I, I  became a human design reader then I got to have my friend who did the reading for me, I got to have  her on my podcast it kind of is just transpired into like, I think the reason why I love I think the reason  why I love human design is because it doesn't teach anyone anything they don't already know about  themselves, it confirms for them what they already know to be true about themselves that maybe they  haven't been able to like put their finger on or say out loud, or have been made to think that there's  something wrong with them at the end of the day, we're all here for a purpose we're all you know,  whether you believe in God or the universe or source or whatever you believe in your you believe  you're here for a reason I think what human design does is it really helps you kind of like put your  finger on that purpose a little bit and, you know, make you more confident to like, do whatever you  were meant to do in this life, which Imagine if everybody out there was doing exactly what they were  supposed to be doing. 

Carly Meyers 13:31 

It is so crazy, because I think so many people probably are because they don't know themselves  enough, or maybe don't have that self awareness or, you know, never heard something like this before.  They could be in jobs, which are literally the worst bit for their personality and their character they're  just going through and feeling like they're constantly jarring with themselves and be like, Why does  this feel so hard? And why does this feel so awkward? But actually, once you find out a little bit more  about yourself, you can like I remember once Actually, I did. I don't know what it was I did like a like a 

personality test it basically said the worst job for you is doing the same thing every single day that that  blew my mind because I've been in shows in the West-end where you do eight shows a week six, like,  yeah, he is work six days a week. You do that for an entire year every aspect of that show is the same.  You go on stage, you see the same people you come off you see the same person, your entire life is  

the same for that entire year I was like, no wonder I was miserable. Like I thought I wanted to be a  dancer I thought that was my calling the reality of it just kept jarring with who I was yeah, that was  really interesting insight actually made it all make sense. 

Danielle McCleerey 14:45 

And you know, they say that. So they say that there's a statistic out there that says 70% of people  settle. Like 70% of people in the world will just settle and do whatever they're doing because they've  been made to think that it's like what they should be doing. Only 30% 10 of the population are able to  go, you know what, like, this isn't, this isn't what I was designed to do. This isn't making me happy,  this isn't aligned for me I just kind of have this mission now where I'm like, if I can help, even 2% of  those people, like, get more aligned with their life, because feeling out of alignment and feeling like,  just miserable is not normal. That's not a way to feel I think human design really helps. 

Carly Meyers 15:29 

Yeah, definitely what it all comes down to, it comes down to education, doesn't it, like maybe have  those 70% If a higher percentage of those people actually knew what they were meant to be doing?  Maybe more of them would have the courage to say, Okay, I'm going to take that jump, and I'm going  to do it, but because they're so is so uncertain, and they're like, I don't know what the fuck I'm meant  to be doing. That's why they stay where it's comfortable. So, so for those that no idea what human  design is, break it down, what is human design? 

Danielle McCleerey 15:56 

So human design, is a logical system that was kind of like created by ROM, who was a philosopher,  and it kind of brings together east and west. So that includes like the I Ching, astrology, the Kabbalah, 

Hindu Brahma chakra system, ideal ideologies, quantum physics, so like personality tests, Myer  Briggs, Enneagram. So it kind of combines all of it together into one unique system. So it basically is  like a manual or a map, I guess, to help people. Like guide you in living in a way that like you were  designed to live. Yeah, so there's five types, there's like five different based, they're called energy  types, but there's actually two energy types and three non energy types there's five of them everybody  falls in one of those. 

Carly Meyers 16:48 

Okay, cool. So, you, I've given you my, my birthday, my birth time, my birthplace. So you actually know  my energy type? I don't know yet I don't need to tell me, but can you tell us can you go through all the  energy types, and then by the end of it, I'm going to try and guess which one I am then you are  actually going to give me a full reading it. So anyone who's interested to see how this reading a human  design reading actually pans out that this is what we're going to go through in a minute yeah, what are  the five types? 

Danielle McCleerey 17:17 

So there's, yeah, so there's five types. Two of them are energy, three of them are non energy I don't  want you to think that the non energies are like an energetic people they are, their energy just comes  from the energy types. So we'll start with those. There is a generator, which generators sole purpose  on this planet? I'm a generator. A generator, sole purpose on this planet? Is to do whatever makes  them happy feel like a full body ‘yes’. Because the more things that they say we say yes to is  generators that are actually a full body ‘yes’. We give, we create this sacral energy inside of us, that  spills out into everything and everyone around us. So you know, a generator by like, if you meet a  generator, they're the people with this, like, magnetic aura. So when you said like, when you saw me in  Maui, and I had this hat, and just like this energy about me, that's my human design, that's the  generator inside of me. That was it's just when we're doing things that are that make us feel good, that  we say yes to in our body, we can do anything we can go for hours. Like we don't get tired when it's a  full body ‘yes’, our literal purpose on this planet, we are the ones who are here to give people the  energy to achieve their purpose. That's what a generator is we're about 60% of the population. So 

there's a lot of us. Yeah, there's a lot of us, there’s 60% between generators then the second energy  type, which is a manifesting generator. So a manifesting generator, the MG’s, the Mani gens, as they're  called. They're similar to the PE they're part manifestor. They're part generator. So in every Mani Gen  is like, some of them are a little bit more manifester. Some of them are a little bit more generator, but in  general, a manifesting generator are the type where they're multi passionate people. These are the  people that absolutely cannot do just one thing. These are the people that will always have like  another passion. They're the ones who will always like move on to something else they master. A lot of  things in generators are like that generators master things. Like when I find something that I love, like I  don't quit until I've mastered it, right. Manifesting generators are the same thing then they also have  this ability to kind of get the ball rolling to kind of spark to kind of shake people out of the boxes that  they live in. So they say that a manifesting generator is here to remind people that they don't have to  live in a box. They're here to kind of like shake the world into being multi passionate if that's what  somebody is designed to do. So When same similar to similar to a generator, when you're when a  manifesting generator is doing something that like, lights them up full body yes, they can go and go  and go and go and go and go, the problem that a manifesting generator will run into is that they try to  say yes to too many things and then they get burnt out so that's kind of like where the manifester  kicks in. So those are the two energy types, generator manifesting generator, the three non energy  types, meaning that you don't have sacral energy all manifesting generator and generator mean is that  you have this sacral internal energy that like when you're lit up, you're like a battery for the world,  right? And that battery can go and go and go and go until it can't, and you have to recharge. So you'll  often see generators and manifesting generators, like when they're done with like a huge project or  when they're done with like a huge thing. You'll often see them disappear for a little while that's  because they have to recharge just like if I was to charge my iPhone, right, the longer I charge my  iPhone at night, the more battery it has, same idea. So then we have manifesters are our I think, like  one of the coolest energy types only because it's kind of the messaging that the whole world has. So  think about remember, okay, so like back in the day when, like, tribal, you know, when there were like  tribal communities, and they were all killing animals with like rocks and stones, right, like they were  throwing rocks and stones. The manifester is were the people who would come in and be like, ‘Y'all,  there is a better way to do this’. Here's a bow and arrow then it probably everybody in that tribe was 

like that bow and arrow is the stupidest thing I've ever seen. It's not gonna work. You're crazy it did  work, they create, they see problems, they create, they get the ball rolling, they're the fire starters,  they're the igniters. They're the ones that like, if something needs to start, they're the ones to start it  like manifester is our that person for the world. They are the reason that the rest of us get to do  everything we want. Because they've started something generators and manifesting generators  typically will try to live like manifestos then we get burnt out because we're actually not meant to start  things. We're meant to master things. So like manifestos are the ones that like, they'll just move on. So  basically, like, they created this bow and arrow, and then they probably got promoted to like the  shaman or the leader or the kings or queens or the presidents or whatever, because they have these  great ideas then, they've already moved on to the next thing. Like that's how a manifester works. They  don't have the energy to keep going what happened was all of these manifestos which only represent  like 11% of the population, they got promoted to these, these lead these, you know, positions of  power that last for a long time. They are not meant to do that all of their messaging the way that they  think the way that they act, it has now bled into everything everyone hears. So I use the example of  like the personal development industry, the network marketing industry, the real estate industry where  the messaging is to it first, do it in the dark, no, before anybody, like you don't need anybody to follow  you be willing to go alone. That's a trillion dollar industry, at least multiple trillions of dollars of industry  there that is directed at 11% of the population. Say J wonder, right? And then we wonder why only  1% get to the top of that company. It's because we're not speaking to people the way that they're  meant to be spoken to. We're not speaking we're not leading people the way that they're meant to be  led so I when I realised that I was a generator, it all clicked for me because my whole life I've been  trying to act like a manifester then I'm so burnt out and I hate what I'm doing. Because I'm not meant  to convince people. I'm not meant to inform people what I'm doing, I'm meant to respond to the  universe telling me that something is good for me, where a manifester, their strategy for success is  literally to inform. They are literally the ones who are like, just you know, I'm doing this gotta go like  they don't need they don't need any anybody to tell them yes or no. So that's a manifester. They're  amazing they've had to do a lot more than they were ever meant to in terms of like leadership and  power. So then we have projectors and projectors kind of came on the scene later, they weren't. They  were not always around. They're kind of this new age leader, but a projectors purpose on this planet is 

to lead to guide so projectors are great in management positions. They are great in leadership roles  because they I have this new way of thinking projectors are also a very small percent of the population  and they are here to see the world in a way that nobody else can see it. So my son is a projector it's  true, he sees things in a way that I never could, because I'm never going to spend the time on it that  he's gonna spend, you know. So a projectors strategy, right is to be invited. So they thrive. When  people say, What do you think? Can you help us with this? Right? I always say like, the way that I  explained a projector is like, if there's two generators, or like a manifesting generator and a generator,  trying to build a table from Ikea, chances are, they're not using the instructions. It's not how we  operate. We're like, we'll figure it out. We're gonna work together, we're gonna figure it out. It's gonna  be awesome. Meanwhile, in the other room, you have a projector who's already read the instructions,  they already know the answer, they know the correct way to do it they want you to invite them to help  you build this table if they don't get invited, chances are what they do is they come in and they go,  Hey, by the way, you're doing that wrong, and then walk away then everyone goes, well, what the what  the fuck, like, That was rude it's just because they like everybody always assumes that a projector  knows at all or like they are no at all. They think they know everything, but like they actually do, they  actually do know everything everybody needs a projector in their life because they, they really are  meant to guide us because they see the world in a way that no one else can see it. So projectors are  really special. 

Carly Meyers 26:36 

That's so funny. I just want to butt in a second that so when you say about the instructions, I actually  said to my friend like two days ago, I said, Do you ever look at instructions or something and actually  go to the last page to look at the finished product to see if you can challenge yourself to build it  without the instructions. Like it's like a little game. Like I just always do that then they and then they  said I bet you I bet you skip to the end of the book as well. I was like, Well, yeah, sometimes, actually,  like on a Netflix series. You know, we're like, you can go to the last episode, but like I just want to have  to just want to see who's about to see using in the screenshot. See, he's still floating about the series.  It's probably a bit messed up, though, isn't it?

Danielle McCleerey 27:12 

I mean, like, that's not It's not like an exact thing because I I know projectors who like, hate reading  directions because they don't have a lot of energy, right? They don't create that sacral energies either.  So leading like I always say, if you have a projector friend, make sure that they're taking naps and  getting snacks. They're gonna burn out really quickly if they're not, if they're not giving themselves  time. So one of my really good friends Meg is a projector and she's such a great leader you know,  when she hasn't had a nap or a snack, like she's gotta take the breaks because they don't have that  energy that a generator and a manifesting generator have to like, keep going. 

Carly Meyers 27:53 

And that's so interesting about your son being so different to you as well. Is he the same as his dad? 

Danielle McCleerey 27:59 

So his dad and I, I thought for sure his dad was going to be a reflector, which I'll explain what a  reflector is in a minute. I was like, Oh, he's a reflector because he's so introspective. He so like I you  know, whatever like his dad, and I get along great, but it's also an x, right? So there's that animosity  every once in a while. Turns out his dad is exactly the same human design as I am. 

Carly Meyers 28:21 

Really, I was gonna say, I wonder how it works and partnerships, like 

Danielle McCleerey 28:24 

A six two, which is the archetype which I'll explain to you is six to sacral generator, like we are exactly  the same we're gonna be wild because I'm like, Oh, well, we're mirrors of each other. So that sense,  we mirror each other now we have this, we have a son who's an ego projector. So like, we him and I  like our sacral gut intuition. Owens intuition comes from his ego, which, you know, the world's made  you believe that your ego is bad ego is actually your ego is just like the most beautiful part about you 

because it's truly like it's based in wants, and it's based in desire, like an ego projector, their mission is  to lead and guide in a way that like, makes them feel good. Like, it's amazing. It's amazing. 

Carly Meyers 29:12 

That's so cool. I didn't even think about it from like, a parental point of view and knowing how to really  connect with your kids, you know, because it can be confusing otherwise, if you're like, why are they  not doing it? This way? Or, you know, they're so different to how I would think but that's amazing to  understand how to communicate properly. 

Danielle McCleerey 29:29 

Oh, I think I mean, human design can be used for business it can be used for your like  entrepreneurship but like mostly I tell everybody I'm like find out what your partner is, and find out  what your kids are because it's gonna help you interact with them a little bit better like learning what  my fiancé Breezy, learning her human design. We're both generators, but she's a one three generator,  and I'm a six to generator which is like, I'll explain the archetypes but we're a little bit different in the  way that we go our approach to things but knowing what her is like, she's the Establisher of  knowledge and truth. So like, I just know that no matter what she has to, like, do an experience before  she can have an opinion on it where like, I'm a six to I'm called the natural. So like, I grew up knowing  how to raise myself, and I don't need to experience something to necessarily like, be able to teach it  or like to know it, where he has to do it to learn. It's, it's wild. So I'll tell you, so then reflector is the last  type, and they're like, kind of the most elusive they're 1% of the population. Oh, so if you know a  reflector, you're lucky because they are mirrors for the world. They are basically they mirror back to the  whole world, what is already happening. So you have all of these other types trying to figure out how  to like move the world forward, how to, you know, progress, how to do how to keep moving and how  to keep doing how to keep exploring, and then you have reflectors who are literally here to be like,  okay, but also, what are you right now, what's happening right now what's happening in this moment,  you'll see if you like, ever go and look at your chart, you're gonna see there's like energy centres. So  like, it looks a lot like your chakra map some are coloured in and then some are not those are your  defined, there's a jet flying over my house there's some defined and undefined centres. reflector is all 

right, they are completely undefined. Which means that every chakra energy centre, they have acts as  a mirror or an amplifier for what's happening around them. So a reflector is literally here to I mean,  they have this amazing ability, like if you know, or reflector you, they're usually the ones that you're  like, you're being real with me right now. Because I swear, like yesterday in that group, you were  somebody completely different they're often like outcasts, because people like don't think that they're  being real with them, when really, they are they have a superpower that superpower is the ability to be  a chameleon, they have or they can wake up tomorrow and be a completely different, like in a  completely different space and completely different person than they were today that's what they're  here to do. They're here to like, blend in between people and like show the world what's what you  already are. They're amazing, reflectors are amazing they're usually the more introspective ones.  They're really deep like, they will they do really well around generators and manifesting generators,  because they are completely undefined and don't have energy, they get their energy, and they feed off of the energy of the people around them really, really, really deeply. So 

Carly Meyers 32:47 

That's so cool. Because like from an outsider, you might look at a reflector and think they're just so  lost you know, they don't know themselves and who are they? They're just blending all over everyone  actually, if you look at that, then maybe they just do totally know themselves that's what their role is  like, say, 

Danielle McCleerey 33:03 

Yeah, the reflectors in the world that are living the most aligned with their design are completely okay,  with not knowing what tomorrow is gonna bring what happens is, like you said, as kids, they're told,  like, you need to have direction, like you need to figure out who you are then it messes them up, and  then they spend the whole their whole life trying to like unlearn that. 

Carly Meyers 33:25

Well, I know that I'm 100% not a reflector, because I need to know, everything that is going on. I need  to know all the steps I need to know when they're going to happen. I need to know them right now I  can tell you that I I would put money on the fact that I'm a manifesting generator. 

Danielle McCleerey 33:42 

You are. Yeah. 

Carly Meyers 33:45 

When you said it when you're like, they just have so many ideas, and there's so much they want to do.  I was like, yeah, she sees me. 

Danielle McCleerey 33:52 

Yeah, yeah. So you are a manifesting generator. Do you want me to kind of like go into your chart? 

Carly Meyers 33:58 

A little I do I do, shall we? Oh, okay. 

Danielle McCleerey 34:01 

So I'll kind of go and like, there's different intuitions and stuff. So just so if you're listening to this, I'll  kind of go over different intuition so that you can, like if you're not an emotional manifesting generator,  like you can look up your chart, I really love the my human design app. That's who I did a course  through. So if you look on the App Store, it's by this woman, Jenna's Oh, she's amazing. She's  actually British you can follow her on Instagram as well. It's like my human design, and the app is  going to tell you a lot about your type. Same with astrology you just have to know like your birthday,  your birth time and your birthplace it's the same looking up your birth chart for 

Carly Meyers 34:41

Definitely let us know as well. Anyone listening? Let us know right now screenshot it or let us know on  Instagram, what you think you are, take a screenshot of what you're seeing on your podcast post on  your Instagram and let us know what you think you are at this point. You may find that at the end of it,  you're gonna have a reading with audio but I'd love to know if you're what you think you are and if it's  someone that I know Sometimes it's really interesting. If someone thinks that they're a certain type,  everyone else would be like, No, you're definitely that. You know, I mean, people see you differently,  don't they? 

Danielle McCleerey 35:08 

Well, I thought when I first read that I was because I had looked up what I was I was like a generator.  Like, that doesn't make sense. I'm not a generator then when I had my reading, I was like, Oh, I'm so  generator. So like, you can look it up like, actually, having somebody who understands it read your  chart really is like, really the game changer? For sure. 

Carly Meyers 35:30 

Okay, so let's do it. Let's dive in. Yeah, so 

Danielle McCleerey 35:32 

You're a manifesting generator. So as I said, like, you're multi passionate, you're meant to be multi  passionate, you are here to chart a previously unseen life path for the world. Whoo, most, like, let's  just be honest, like manifesting generators are definitely not the people who are gonna, like go to  school, go to university, get a job and stay in that job until they're 65, it's just not going to happen if  they do, they are very frustrated and out of alignment is you're just not meant to do that you're meant  to like, push the world and like, explore and try different things so you could switch to an entirely  different career multiple times in your life, or you could like have a through line, right. So typically, like a  manifesting generator, and generators are like this to our like, maybe everything you've done has kind  of been along like the same theme you've tried many things in order to get there. So for me as a  generator, this was true. Where my whole life I've been leading, I've been a leader in everything, I was 

captain of my dance team, I was like, the first to, you know, get married, and then give advice on that I  was a choreographer, I got a master's of education acting like I did all of these things. I taught fitness,  right, I, I lead a team in network marketing. So leadership has, it's kind of like my life's work I've done  

that in a lot of different ways. So man, as a manifesting generator, you probably that probably  resonates with you even more than that, you probably switched careers, multiple times, and maybe  there was a through line, maybe not the point is, you like you to kind of have like, the sense of the  unknown, like, isn't really a thing for you, like, people get a fear of the unknown. Like, that's not a thing  for a manifesting generator, like you see the unknown as like a time to discover, like, if you don't know  something, you're like, Great, I'm gonna figure that out. You're also a five, one generator, which you're  known as the challenge solver. So I'll get into that in a minute that basically means like, you take this,  you, you live your life through experiencing things, so that you can have these really creative, beautiful  ways of problem solving for people that's your manifester. You see, you see the way things are being  done, you can recognise that there's a better way then you get really passionate about helping people  to understand 

Carly Meyers 38:03 

Oh, yes, that's pretty spot on. 

Danielle McCleerey 38:08 

Yeah, cuz like, that's what I'm saying. Like at a soul level, you actually really love the unknown, it's like,  it's a huge deal for you have to do things that you actually want to do. So here's what happens  manifesting generators and you're an emotional manifesting generator. So you're actually not a sacral  manifesting generator every manifesting generator in generator has sacral ability. So you still have gut  intuition what your chart says is that a lot of your intuition comes from your emotions. So don't ignore  your gut just don't let your gut be the final authority for you the way that you know is like if you get a  full body yes if what you want makes you happy when you think about it, you that's a yes for you as a  manifesting generator you probably say yes to things that are maybes a lot always and if you're a  generator This is for you as well like we typically will say yes to maybes maybe and like if you think of  something and you go like that's a no. Like I've told my whole team now my assistant I tell my like my 

producer anybody that works with me anybody on any team that I have I've told them now like if you  ask me a question and my reaction isn't Fuck yes sorry if I'm not allowed to cuss but you're okay  reaction isn't heck yes. It's a no may not be a no forever but it's a no right now basically like the  message for a manifesting generator is like just because you can do everything doesn't mean you  should. 

Carly Meyers 39:49 

Hey, just a quickie. If you would love more info like this and you want to engage with more people  exactly like you. Then make sure you head over to my Facebook group. The ambitious female  entrepreneur calm Up is an amazing space full of entrepreneurs and ambitious people that are going  to challenge you to become more and be more and do more and create more for yourself. I'm so  inspired by this group of women and every single month I get an expert coming in and teaching a free  masterclass, alongside lots of other free trainings and Facebook Lives and loads of assets to help you  build your business online. I really cannot wait to welcome you into the ambitious female entrepreneur  club. See you soon. Bye.  

It's so true I've even started to feel that actually showing up like, lots of people are reaching out and  asking to do stuff like someone was like, Hey, we should do a we should do like a retreat together I  was like, yeah, and then someone else was like, we should create this course together I was like, Uh  huh I'm like, I find myself saying yes, then I'm like, I don't know if I am fully a Yes. Like, it could be yes.  I don't know whether it's like a yes, yes. 

Danielle McCleerey 40:53 

And you're emotional, you have emotional authority. So for you, like I'm full sacral authority. So I know  immediately if this is a yes or no, like, immediately, my gut is gonna be like, yep, or no if I ignore that,  that's on me, for you. Because you actually have emotional authority, your emotions ride their own  wave that are absolutely separate from anything happening in the world. So the perfect example of  this is like, people around you could be frickin’ miserable you may be super happy that's because like  your emotions are not influenced by the world around you, you're typically, you maybe are not as 

much of an empath, as some other people. Sometimes, like you don't even before you really get in  touch with your emotions, you may not even be aware that like, at 4pm, every day, your energy drops,  like you're just not as like, connected to the emotions of the people around you as others that's a  beautiful thing in a way that like you, you get to just go about your life and not be affected by what  other people are doing. That's a really beautiful thing when you really like learn to hone in on when  your energy rides its own roller coaster. So a lot of people with emotional authority after about like  three or 4pm in the afternoon, like your energy dips, like that's a typical thing. It could be the other way  around, too. It could be like in the morning, you have no energy, and then as the day like goes on, but  it's really just about knowing that about yourself, like you have to know that because once you know  that, then, you know, that's freedom for you. That's you following your intuition so what I always tell  my emotional authorities is like, even if you have sacral authority, your guts gonna tell you because  you're a manifesting generator. If somebody says to you like Carly, do you want to do this, your guts  gonna say yes or no right away then the instinct is to act on that as an emotional authority, actually,  what the universe is telling you is like sleep on it. I tell all my emotional authorities sleep on it that's so  true. Right? Like, that's not what the world tells us, The world tells you, you should be able to make  decisions really fast that's the 

Carly Meyers 42:59 

Amount of times is so to the amount of times I've quite impulsive to make a decision then I'm like  woken up in the morning almost with like a decision hangover I'm like, I should have said yes to that.  Yeah. Now like, now I need to let them down. I've done that so many times where it comes to it I'm  like, why don't want to do this? Yeah. 

Danielle McCleerey 43:17 

Or you say no then 24 hours later, you're like, Yeah, I really wanted to do that. So for you sleep on it is  your is your like golden ticket. So if anybody asks you anything, like, you may feel really good about it  in this moment because your emotions have their own timeline and rollercoaster, you got to give it like  24 hours if you still feel really good about it tomorrow, then it's actually a yes, and you'll know that  

you're feel good about it. Because as an emotional authority, you are it lights you up, you're happy 

when you think about it. So other like authorities, just for those of you listening, like I kind of said I'm a  gut, I've got authority, so but the thing was, if you're a gut authority, like you, the gut doesn't know  like, huge existential questions. So if somebody asks me, Danielle, what do you what's your life's  purpose? I'm like, I have no, my gut has no idea how to answer that question if my if somebody says  Danielle is your purpose to lead people, that's an immediate Yes. So if you have gut sacral authority,  yes or no this or that, are the questions that you need to be asked it's okay to ask the people in your  life like especially your partner, like hey, if you have a question for me ask it in a way that did this or  that yes or no because I'm not going to be in be able to answer like purpose questions like I'm just not  my guts not going to be able to do that. So but like for an emotional authority like Carly, she might be  able to answer What's your life's purpose, but it's not going to happen in the immediate is she's  gonna have to like really think on it. Then there's mental, like a mental intuition. So those are the  people that they think things, they have to think through it its gonna take them a while to get there. We  have ego authority, which is my son those are like the ego is basically responsible for less than desire,  right? It's like whatever you want. Doesn't matter what anybody else wants. It doesn't matter what  your gut is saying the reason why there's so many different intuitions out there is because if we follow  if every person on this planet followed their intuition that was designed for them, that is literally the  definition of freedom, because you no longer feel like you need to overthink things, you no longer think  that you no longer feel like you need to take 24 hours to make a decision. You no longer feel like you  have to like a sounding board. Intuition is another thing where you have to talk to a lot of people to  make a decision. You know you but because we're all human, like, for example, as a gut authority, or  for Carly as like an emotional authority, she may feel like in the moment, she has to like overthink her  decision, when really, she doesn't have to overthink anything, because her intuition doesn't come from  her brain. Her intuition comes from her emotions so sleeping on it, and really allowing her body to go  through that like full range of emotions to decide if what this decision is making her happy or not.  That's freedom for you. Sounds good. 

Carly Meyers 46:20 

Yeah, for sure. 100% definitely, like I know that so much goes on in my brain overnight definitely my  emotions are extreme and more extreme since I've had children too. They are all over the place yeah, 

no, definitely resonates that's a really good advice as well and just not thinking because sometimes  you feel like in order to be a strong leader, you need to be assertive, and you need to be, you know, a  strong decision maker and it needs to be like a yes or no straightaway, like, know what you want  actually, that kind of almost gives me permission to say, you know, just sit on it, sleep on it. Give it a  bit of time. 

Danielle McCleerey 46:56 

Yeah, exactly like I was gonna read so I had this. I had a reading with a reflector a little while ago and  her intuition, his revelation intuition, which is crazy, because these are the people that like, like, they  are designed to make decisions like over time, and I don't mean like 24 hours. I mean, like a month  from now. Oh, wow. So that goes against like everything that we're told as humans like, imagine being  so okay with yourself that you go, thank you so much for this opportunity. I'm going to let you know in  about a month from now if this right. 

Carly Meyers 47:41 

It's pretty crappy. That's that can't be good when you like trying to buy a house you just need to get  your offer in. 

Danielle McCleerey 47:47 

It's not terrible. Yeah, it's terrible luckily like for a reflector, they have their all of their centres are  undefined. So it's best for them to be like if they're going to go buy a house, it's best for them to be  with somebody who's a generator sacral authority because they can make decisions very fast. Yeah,  like buying a house for me was the easiest thing I've ever done. 

Carly Meyers 48:09 

Yes, same. I actually, like you want this as I guess, I know, we would say we I wanted it so much there  was so many people like in a bidding war for our house. I used to walk outside my house walking my 

dog every day, like, manifesting that we were there then I just manifested the whole situation, like  literally walking out there like a creep I made it happen. Yeah, it was good. 

Danielle McCleerey 48:32 

So yeah, I mean, just follow that emotional intuition. Like don't, you know, don't think you don't feel  like you need to overthink your decision. Don't feel like you need to, you know, spend a lot of time on  it, like sleep on it if it still makes you happy, like if you if you are happy tomorrow like that, that's the  right answer for you, your sign like how you know you're on the right path is satisfaction. That feeling  of satisfaction is alignment for you. That's the name of alignment, I'm the same my feeling is  satisfaction. So when you're satisfied with the way your business is going or your relationship or you  know, like a choice that you've made, that's how you know you're in true alignment on the other side  of that frustration is the out of alignment. So anything you're frustrated by it doesn't even mean that  the entire situation is a bad thing. It just means that like something about what you're doing is  frustrating you and therefore it's out of alignment and something you should like sit on maybe yeah,  that sure you know maybe give it 24 hours and oftentimes a lot of those frustrated feelings for  manifesting generators and generators comes when you say yes to maybes it's really about being  more grounded in saying yes to hell yes no to anything less than that. 

Carly Meyers 49:55 

That is such good advice to me because I do literally say yes to way too much. It's like a little bit of a  people pleaser. To me, it still doesn't want to let people down. Oh, 

Danielle McCleerey 50:02 

manifesting generators are literally the recovering people pleasers of the world. 

Carly Meyers 50:06 

Well, Ding Dong, you got me, babe.

Danielle McCleerey 50:10 

You because You want you because you can. Because you have the energy to do a lot. You feel like  you should it's just really important to remember that like, just because you can doesn't mean you  should. It's okay to sleep on it if you could be so excited about it today, but if tomorrow you wake up  and you're kind of like mad about it, then say no say no. Because you have to remember to like the  universe wants to give you what is yes for you. They like God, the universe, whoever you pray to,  right? Like they that that being that force wants you to have everything you're designed to have you're  not going to get it if you're filling your cup, filling your space feeling filling your aura with things that are  not meant for you. Yeah, manifesting generators typically will say yes to a lot of things that are not full  body yeses then you find yourself really burnt out really frustrated, really like mad at yourself for saying  yes to these things, or mad at other people the thing with a sacral energy, so MGS and generators,  you can add energy to a room like have you ever been really excited about something? And everybody  around you is like hell yes, I'm with you. Let's do this. On the other side of that, have you ever not  been about it? And it seems like nobody has energy. Everybody's upset. Everybody's mad. That's  because not only can generators and emojis like add energy to a situation, they can also take energy  from a situation. So a lot of times, like why it's so important, think about it, like if you're saying yes to  your maybes, and then you get there and you're yawning the whole time and you're miserable then  that's affecting the energy of the space. The other people in that space could honestly be in their  genius by doing this thing, and you're preventing them from experiencing that to its fullest. Because  you are so powerful, your energy is so powerful. 

Carly Meyers 52:08 

That is so true. I fully know that if I'm in a bad mood is a powerful, it's a powerful vibe. It's a bad vibe  love harmonica is itchy like vape is bad vibes. 

Danielle McCleerey 52:24 

And your emotions write their own Wave, right? So I'm on emotional, which means that I get all of my  emotions from the outside world. So my natural state of being is a calm lake, like I'm calm if a rock 

gets dropped into my lake, it could affect me differently then I have to make the choice to not wear  other people's emotions, I can feel them. Like I'm such an empath in that way I walk into the room,  and I know the energy of everybody in that room. I've learned over time that I don't have to wear it.  Like I always say to myself, not my circus, not my monkeys like that is not mine to wear. I don't have  

to wear that. There's different types of empaths Of course, so I'm an intuitive Empath where I can feel  it but I don't wear it. My fiancé Breezy, she is a psychic Empath in the sense of she feels and wears  everything it's something she's actively working on. Like we could walk by a homeless man on the  street, she will be hungry and sad for four days. Like Haha, just wears on her. So the good news about  an emotional authority like you is, that doesn't happen to you, you actually ride your own roller coaster.  So where you get to then be really conscious is if you know that a certain time of day. So start to think  about like, is there a time of day where you're just like, man, it's like not really your time of day or like a  situation or like a season that you don't have as much energy in. 

Carly Meyers 53:46 

I mean, I think the mornings like which is so controversial, because literally every successful person  talks about, you know, like a successful morning and is it you get after you do all this stuff it takes me  so long to get going in the morning because I'm like, honestly, I just want to sleep when you said  about the whole like they need to recharge. This is where I've sometimes had a battle because I'm like,  looking at it black and white. I've sometimes been like, I kind of think I'm an extrovert, but then I'm  also so introverted. Like I'm in my happy space sometimes nerding out on my computer, not talking to  anyone. Like actually being in lockdown was kind of okay for me. You know, I mean, like, I had that big  energy and I could serve people online I actually quite liked you know, just that that's low that's why  the morning for me just takes forever night time literally before I'm about to go to bed pool. I'm so  energetic. I'm good to go. 

Danielle McCleerey 54:39 

Yeah, so I mean, so that's the thing about introverts and extroverts. Everyone thinks that it's like how  you interact, but actually introvert and extrovert really just means it's how you recharge. So I'm an  introvert. I recharge by being alone. I cannot recharge if I'm with other people, and usually manifesting 

generators and generators are like that, because yeah, so used to be in the energy For the world, you  actually have to be alone to recharge. So that means you are an introvert. Extroverts are people that  like breeze. My fiancee is an extrovert like, like, hardcore extrovert, or just by being around like so  many people and I'm like, I cannot relate. I have to go. 

Carly Meyers 55:15 

Yeah, me too, like after a big conference. I'm like, I'm done for a few days. 

Danielle McCleerey 55:22 

Yeah, yes. I mean, you won’t see me, there will be no calls, no one on ones, like, you will not see me  for three days that's yeah, that's how I recharge so that I can come back out and be a better leader or  you know, a better energy giver to the world so I was gonna say so because like for mornings for you  are not your time of day. That is not the time that you should be analysing your business, not the time  that you should try to be trying to be creative. That's not the time that you should be like planning, like,  really fun excursions for your family. That's the time that you need to be doing what actually fills you  up and makes you happy. So if it's going for a walk, if it's listening to music, if it's taking a bubble  bath, if it's sleeping in, like the more you know that about yourself and you adjust your life to that  schedule, that is when you will start to see everything become more satisfactory for you and therefore  in alignment. It's so good to know is a manifester. That's the manifester, though, like everybody says,  like, Oh, everybody says to get up early? Well, that's because that's how most manifester is operate  the messaging for the world is literally to 11% of the population. So yeah, as a manifesting generator,  who has emotional authority for you? You need to take that time to not talk to people in the morning.  Yeah, that's when your energy is the lowest. 

Carly Meyers 56:40 

It's so good to know. Because you could be doing you could be so in alignment with your, what you're  doing for your business and what you do as a job and everything like that you're doing it the wrong  time of day, you're like this just feels no, you don't immediately just shift it a few hours later that it 

could all kick into place that you're like this is absolutely perfect. So it's an important thing to know for  sure. 

Danielle McCleerey 57:01 

Yeah. So I wanted to share a manifestation processes because there's too and all excited for this.  Yeah, man, how you manifest and there are specific and nonspecific manifestos. Now, just because  you are not a manifesting generator does not mean you don't manifest, everybody can manifest. There  are just two different ways that you should be manifesting I love to talk about this because society tells  us if you want something, you have to be so specific about what you want, you have to get clear, you  have to write it all down. You have to visualise the exact moment what you're going to be wearing all  these things, right. That is the that is only true for specific Manchester's. A little over half the  population are specific, a little under half the population are nonspecific, you are nonspecific  manifester. 

Carly Meyers 57:53 

Oh, well, this is good because I've literally been getting down to like the details, details to manifesting. 

Danielle McCleerey 58:01 

So And do you ever feel like when you do that you obsess over the things that you don't yet have? 

Carly Meyers 58:08 

Yeah, for sure. 

Danielle McCleerey 58:11 

Yeah. So specific. Manifesters are the people where the universe trust that you know exactly what you  want the universe is grateful that you are a person who knows exactly what you want, and it trusts you  to make those decisions for yourself. The universe for a nonspecific manifester is grateful that we I'm a  nonspecific as well, so the universe is grateful that we trust it to have our back. So neither one is bad. 

It's just a different type of gratitude, right? The Grad it's just it's all based in gratitude so, for a  nonspecific manifester, making a vision board is actually the worst thing we could do. Because, yeah,  so what happens, like I've always hated doing vision boards every time I try to do them, I'm like, I end  up just like putting pretty pictures and then I'm like, Well, I don't have that yet. So I'm going to focus  on like, I'm going to have that I'm going to have that but you have to remember when we're  manifesting and we talk about I'm going to have that I will achieve that. All you're doing is reiterating  for the universe, that you don't already have it then we start to obsess over those things that we don't  have. So it actually prevents the universe from doing this or something better for us. So that for a  nonspecific manifester, you're like your phrase is this or something better. I'll show you how kind of  this has worked in my life. So my I've wanted to move to Texas for a long time. I've kept saying I want  to move into I want to live in Texas, I want to live in Texas I did this without even knowing that I was  doing this I said like I would like to have a house in Texas someday and this was a few years ago then  as time went on, like it became closer and closer to like actually having that come true now we are  building like a custom built home on a river in a cul-de-sac in like outside of Austin, Texas, it's literally  like better than I could have ever imagined it it's because all I said to the universe was I'd like to live in  Texas someday then I didn't really think about it again. I just let it I just let it go the universe then goes,  Okay, how about this, and it's like, it's better than I could have ever imagined. So, where if I would  have been like, I want to live in this part of Texas and I want this house like it, I would have just  obsessed over the wrong things and not trusted the universe to have my back the whole point of  being a nonspecific manifester, is you're meant to trust that the universe has your back or God has  your back source whoever has your back. So I love to talk about that because everybody is taught to  be specific, be clear, be this. Now listen, if you're a specific manifester, and you're listening to this, if  you look up your chart and you find that you're in a specific manifester, you cannot be too specific.  Like there is no such thing. So for you, it couldn't just be I want to house in Texas, you had to say you  have to say I want a three bedroom four bath house in Austin, Texas, between this street and this  street. I need it to look like this I need the cabinets to be this colour. Like you have to be so specific. If  it's in your business, you have to be able to say you can't just be like I want a million dollar a year you  have to be like I need to make exactly this much money by this date. Because what the universe will  do for a specific manifester. Like if I said to the universe, like I want, I want apple air pods, right? Like I 

need Apple air pods what the universe is going to do if I'm a specific manifester, is go, Okay, here's  some headphones. It's not Apple, but like it's close then it the tendency there because we're taught to  just be grateful for what we have, right? Just be grateful for what the world the universe gives us.  You're going to accept that. So if you're a specific manifester, and this is resonating with you, how  many times have you asked for something or prayed for something and then it gets really close then  you accept it. Even though it's not exactly what you asked for then you find that like, it's a kind of a  ricochet or like a domino effect for things going bad. Like things start to fall apart that's because you  have to be willing and able as a specific manifester. If the universe goes, these aren't apple but like  they're close, and you have to be willing to be like, No, that's not what I asked for what I wanted, and  like be willing to turn things down, which is really hard for a specific manifester, because it goes  against everything we're taught, which is just be grateful for what you're given. Right. So that I mean  manifest, the manifestation process is changed everything for me, like when I found out that I was a  nonspecific manifester. I was like, Oh, my gosh, and I like started to go back on all the things that I had  tried to be very specific on then I was like, that's why it didn't happen. That's why it went wrong, is 

Carly Meyers 1:02:56 

Oh my god, like, on my podcast, probably a couple of episodes ago, I shared a story about how I was  trying to manifest this specific house honestly, I obsessed about it, but like two months, I could smell  it. I was there. Every night before I was going to bed. I was like doing this whole ritual of you know,  imagining every aspect of it when it didn't happen, I didn't get the house. I was so confused and  honestly actually quite frustrated like, I started to, to doubt my powers. I've always felt like I'm a really  good manifester I actually started to doubt myself and it just kind of spun me out into this baby. I'm  not actually as good manifester as I as I thought. So, on that, on that note that if I say for example, my  goal for this year was a million dollar year, like you said, do you still do you still like think every day to  think? No, 

Danielle McCleerey 1:03:50 

you're not meant to think so you wouldn't even go

Carly Meyers 1:03:52 

as specific as a million dollar year, you just literally 

Danielle McCleerey 1:03:56 

No, I would say I want a million dollar year. Go. That's it, but that you don't actively? Yeah, I want at  least a million dollar year then wherever it comes from, I have to trust that the universe knows how to  give me that or something better. Because you have to think about it. If you're nonspecific, if you're  meant to be a nonspecific manifester, and you're trying to manifest this perfect house, the universe is  getting confused, right? God's getting confused and going. Okay, but I actually could give you  something better than this then you keep saying no, I need this. I need this and they need this the  universe is like no, like, I actually could do better than that you're not letting you're not that an even  exchange of energy is not happening. So 

Carly Meyers 1:04:36 

Oh, that is so good. That is so timely to do though to say, 

Danielle McCleerey 1:04:40 

Yeah, like, I want a million dollar a year and then I have to trust that the universe is going to provide  this or something better and wherever it comes from it comes from so I used to say like, oh, I want to  hit you know, I want to hit a million dollars in my network marketing business that's a little too specific.  Because wouldn't I be happy if I did at least A million in any of my businesses or a million combined.  Absolutely. So I have to trust that the universe knows that I have to like the universe is grateful that I  trust it to make the decision. 

Carly Meyers 1:05:14 

So good. I had a reading today I had a like a remote reading. Have you ever had that? Yeah. Like  whether it's you just text you? Yeah it's like she just text me all this stuff I got all this stuff through. It  was so smart. It was so crazy the message throughout the whole thing, I mean, she picked out my 

brother's name. She picked out like my granddad, it was absolutely crazy through the whole message  throughout the whole thing was literally let go. Trust that we've got you. Stop stressing about it. Stop  trying to control it. Yeah. I love it when it all 

Danielle McCleerey 1:05:48 

Comes together like this. Yeah, I mean, and that's the thing is like, it's like I said, like human design  doesn't teach you anything. It just reconfirms for you what you like already know about yourself it kind  of pieces together all of these different aspects. So tarot readings, astrology, personality types, like, it  kind of pieces it all together for you, right? Um, I wanted to share the archetypes. So there's 12  Different archetypes you get two numbers. The first number is how you see yourself. The second  number is how the world perceives you. So two are the five one, which is the challenge solver. So the  five which is the liberator, you, you this is how you see yourself you have this save the day energy,  people come to you because they value like you value everyone equally. You do not judge based on  anything like you see all people is equal people know that they can come to you to like save the day,  like you know that about yourself this goes back to just because you can fix a problem doesn't mean  you should fix the problem. So your biggest challenge as a five one mg is you can fix any problem,  because that's your gift to the world. You shouldn't fix every problem. Because if you're trying to fix  things that are not a yes for you. A, that person could probably get better help from someone else. Be  they could probably figure it out for themselves better. So there's no need to micromanage as a five  one. Like it's like an instinct that you're constantly fighting against. Its this instinct to micromanage  people. 

Carly Meyers 1:07:24 

That's probably the people pleaser coming out as well, isn't it? 

Danielle McCleerey 1:07:27 

100% Oh, it's like that's healing, like, like the five is constantly healing from like, needing to please  everybody and needing to help everybody and needing to fix everything. Like you don't have to, in 

fact, like your best. Like, you want to make everyone happy if you step in, and you fix things just for  like approval and recognition, which is kind of the tendency, like you're actually blocking yourself from  what you truly want and something that you're more destined and like suited to fix. Because you do  you have this ability to solve problems in a really beautiful and like intricate way that a lot of other  people can't solve problems that's partially because of the one. So the one of that is you're the  knowledge seeker, you seek out facts and information, like you said at the beginning of this, you said  it, you were like, I have to know things I have to know I have to get to the bottom of things like you're  probably a person that will go down a rabbit hole. Oh, for sure. Yeah, there's a topic that you find  interesting, you probably will dive so far deep into it that's like one of your 

Carly Meyers 1:08:32 

I feel like you're actually I'd like you in my house watching me on a daily basis when I lose my mind. 

Danielle McCleerey 1:08:39 

Well, so other people might misunderstand that about you and think like, oh, Carly's just nosy or she's  like a No at all it's not that it's like you don't learn things for knowledge sake, you learn things because  that knowledge that you gain can actually be used as a gift later on. Like, that's, that's what you do  you have to remember that, like, when now when the five and the one come together, you are a  problem solver, you always have answers and solutions when you are truly doing fixing problems and  coming up with solutions that actually light you up that make you feel happy after you slept on it, and  they still make you happy. That is when the magic happens. So like, I think for a five one, your biggest  lesson in life is that your value in this world is not just what you do for others. That's not your value  they're like that people pleaser comes out where you think that like you're that is how you're valued by  like what you can do for other people. That's not actually what is like the most valuable thing about  you, right? You have to I'm like looking at your centres to make sure that I'm not talking over one of  your centres. Yeah, so Exactly. So you like your problem solving is meant to be for your purpose, its  not for fixing everyone around you. Does that make sense? Like when you solve problems, it's  because it aligns with your purpose, which is your multi passionate fire energy that's in your  Sagittarius. So you have that fire energy anyway your problem solving should come from that, not from 

just the need to make sure that everybody knows that you can fix problems, because everybody  already knows that about you. Everybody knows, like when they meet you, upon meeting you, you  have the energy that like, This person can solve problems just because you can solve everything  doesn't mean you should suppose with your partner, too. Often, five, one manifesting generators will  often like, try to like, fix their partners. 

Carly Meyers 1:10:52 

You don't know we 

Danielle McCleerey 1:10:59 

You're probably the one where you're like, oh, there's a better way you could be doing that like you're  actually not meant because guaranteed fixing your partner does not let you up like feeling like you  need to fix your partner is not a full body. Yes, for you. It's just what you think you have to do because  you're in this relationship. So actually, the best way that you can be a partner is to I tell five ones, like,  ask your partner, are you looking for a solve? Or are you looking for an ear? Because if they want your  help, they'll ask you, and if they want your help, it'll probably let you up to help them if they don't want  your help you give them your opinion anyway, like unsolicited advice, it's gonna make you feel kind of  gross. 

Carly Meyers 1:11:39 

So true. I feel like you watched me yesterday, as I tried to show Kurt how to put a double pram in the  back of the car. He didn't want, he didn't want my advice. He just wanted an ear. I should have asked. 

Danielle McCleerey 1:11:56 

I mean, at the end of the day, it's like, what MGS don't realise is like, yes, you have a lot of the  answers most of the time you have the best solution it's not the only solution actually, you'll learn a lot  by letting other people bring their solutions to the table.

Carly Meyers 1:12:09 

Yeah, sometimes actually just throwing it in the back and shoving it and just ramming it in also works  apparently, you know. So just quickly, I would love to know that it just is my own personal gain. Can  you tell me how I meant to well structure my day, obviously working in the time that I meant to, but you  know, when it comes to like the multi passionate subjects? Is it best to do it in one place? Or should I  do like a few things per day? 

Danielle McCleerey 1:12:39 

No, I think I think that'll change. I think that's gonna change for you. Regardless of like, it's gonna  change from day to day because your emotions, they ride on their own wave. So for you, like you may  have one day you may wake up and after you get that energy after the morning, you may be like, I  want to do all of these things all three of these things, even though they're incomplete, like, I want to  work my business, I want to do my podcast, I want to do whatever else, though all three of those  things may be making you feel that energy inside of you. That's okay. Then the next day, you may be  like, I feel like doing nothing today. Yeah. Like, it's just about leaning into that intuition you have which  is, like, above anything I've told you like your manifestation process your archetypes like, above all of  that. Like top priorities are your type your authority, like those are your priorities when it comes to how  you're going to live your life number one, you are a manifesting generator, your purpose on this planet  is to be multi passionate, and show other people that they can do that too. That's your purpose.  That's why you're here. Number two is your authority, you still have sacral energy, you still have gut  intuition because you are an MG so like, Don't ignore your gut don't just rely on your gut because you  have your emotion your intuition comes from emotions. So give yourself that 24 hours to decide if  what you're doing is actually what you want to be doing then structure your day accordingly. So if like  you go to bed at night and you go I'm going to do this and this and this and this and this and this  tomorrow, and then you wake up the next day and that's no longer what you want to do honour that 

Carly Meyers 1:14:18

that's so good to know because you can you can just beat yourself up quite you like yesterday I just  was not in the mood to do any of the things I need to do so I said I just sat and watch Love is blind  series 2 

Danielle McCleerey 1:14:29 

Did it make you happy 

Carly Meyers 1:14:31 

It did actually yeah, I had a bath watched Love is blind then today I feel recharged, you know on it and  doing loads of stuff. So yeah, it's good. It's good to have that permission sometimes 

Danielle McCleerey 1:14:44 

I mean, you just said I thought I shouldn’t be doing this. If you're a generator or a manifesting  generator and you're listening to this ‘should’ and 'need to’ are not part of your vocabulary moving  forward. You should not like ‘I should be doing that’. It's not something you should be saying. What  actually, you should be saying is, does this make me happy? Is this a full body ‘yes’, for me even if  even if it was completely different yesterday, that's okay. Because if right now what you're doing is not  lighting you up and is not a full body. Yes, that you are taking energy from the world that you are not  meant to take, you are meant to give energy, you are meant to spill beautiful, magnetic, purposeful  energy to the rest of the world. So that manifester is can create something new so that projectors can  lead so that reflectors can mirror right. Like it all works together. 

Carly Meyers 1:15:39 

That is so helpful, I can't even tell you how helpful that is for business. Like I'm a pretty self aware  person that has just given me so much insight I feel so clear I could just contrast it. So anyone  listening to this, like, even if you're not a manifesting generator, and even if you didn't resonate to any  of my reading, I hope you see how much you can help you in your business, when you can understand  these parts about you and understand, you know, how to be working and how to you know what to be 

listening to. I think that's such a powerful thing. So Oh, that was so good. I think everyone should have  the human desiring. I loved it. 

Danielle McCleerey 1:16:14 

I know I told you it doesn't, it doesn't teach you anything. It just confirms for you what you already  knew inside of you. Like that's all it does. 

Carly Meyers 1:16:21 

Yeah, that's what you need sometimes. So, if someone wants to have a reading with you, you can  have one on one readings with you personally, how can they do that? Tell us all. 

Danielle McCleerey 1:16:30 

So it'll either be I think you have a Facebook group or in the show notes, I'm going to offer a 10%  discount to anybody who hears this episode. So you'll have to use the link though. That's in Carly's  show notes or on her Facebook group or wherever you end up posting that. If you forget about that,  and you can't find that anywhere, you can always come to my Instagram. I'm Danielle underscore on  the daily, I have a link in my Instagram if you heard this episode, and you just need the link, just come  DT slide into my DMs I respond to everything and you know, come hang out 

Carly Meyers 1:17:01 

Before you go. Can I ask you three questions that I asked all my podcast guests? Okay, first of all,  what does success look like to you? 

Danielle McCleerey 1:17:12 

Alignment? Very good, has been aligned in what you're doing, who you're doing it with and why you're  doing it? 

Carly Meyers 1:17:20

For sure. Success is pointless, really, isn't it? If you're out of alignment, if you're not enjoying any of it  was the point? What is a book or podcast that changed your life? 

Danielle McCleerey 1:17:31 

Oh my gosh. Atomic habits. 

Carly Meyers 1:17:35 

I've seen everywhere at the moment. 

Danielle McCleerey 1:17:37 

Yeah, that book and then know what you're for. Both of those books really changed my life? How do I  want to lead how I want to operate all those things? 

Carly Meyers 1:17:46 

Love it then lastly, what is the best piece of advice you've ever been given? 

Danielle McCleerey 1:17:53 

Best piece of advice I've ever been given is from my dad, actually, who is no longer with us he told me  when I was a little girl. He said, ‘Honey, I will never ever question what you do with your life as long as  what you're doing makes you happy and adds value to the world.’Ah, that's such a good. 

Carly Meyers 1:18:11 

Ah, that's such a good. That's just so good to live by that isn't it? 

Danielle McCleerey 1:18:16 

I mean, that's, that's probably why I fell into human design. I still say that my dad led me to human  design. Like he died a little over a year ago I think he led me to human design because it's like, that's  literally what human design is about is like doing what makes you happy to add value to the world.

Carly Meyers 1:18:34 

Well, you are amazing at it. I'm so grateful to you for that reading. That was so good. I know.  Everyone's gonna get so much from that I'm so excited for you to just like the world's up with your  human design your incredible. That's what I'm here for. Yeah. I love it. Thank you so much. I love  definitely going check out Danielle on Instagram. It's so good to chat you and I will see you soon. I  love you think that hey, just a quick one. If you love space, it would mean so much to me. If you would  head over to Apple iTunes. Click subscribe so that you always know when my new episodes are out  also leave me a five star review. It really does make such a difference of course share this on your  Instagram as well or all of your social media platforms and let other people know who might find this  helpful. Tag me at Carly Meyers life and reach out to me. I can't wait to chat to you in the DMS and I  look forward to chatting to you next week.

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